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(Everyone has logged on)

Tony: Yo

Bruce: Hello.

Thor: Good morning avenging Midgardians!

Clint: Hey.

Natasha: Hi.

Pepper: Morning everyone!

Loki: You don't deserve for me to greet you.

Jane: Hola!

Steve: Greetings guys!

Sharon: Hey Avengers.

AJ: Ello! Hope everyone's having a fantastic morning!

Bruce: Stop acting like you're the ninth doctor AJ!

AJ: Fine. AJ MAD! AJ SMASH! *runs out of room stomping*

Bruce: Now that's cold.

Loki: Why do I come on this thing?

AJ: I don't know. Your "glorious purpose" disappeared when Bruce gave you the puny god treatment.

Loki: You know way too much about our lives.

AJ: Would you guys like to hear what else I know?

Everyone: YES.

AJ: Well, for starters, Bruce was hunted down by General Ross and knows the basics of most languages. He's a little depressed and....

-Three hours later when AJ has finished describing everyone's life-

Tony: She really did hack through clearance.

Loki: How did you know that I had a crush on a Midgardian political science student?

Jane: Darcy is off limits!

Loki: Ok, ok.

Bruce: You just told everyone about Betty.

AJ: Sorry guys.

(Everyone has logged off to hurt AJ)

AJ: I better go.

(AJ has logged off)

-1 hour later-

(The men have logged on)

Tony: We need to talk.

Bruce: About what?

Loki: I would prefer not to talk to you.

Tony: One word. Couples.

Thor: Why are we discussing couples?

Tony: I want to figure out who's single here. I mean, Ive got Pepper, but I don't know about you guys.

Loki: I do not desire such a foolish feeling of love.

Steve: Sharon is my everything.

Thor: Jane's hair is soooo soft.....

Bruce: Single and I really don't want Tony messing with my love life.

Clint: Natasha and I became an item last week.

Tony: Cool. So Bruce and Loki are single.

Bruce: Don't mess with my love life.

Loki: I don't desire a love life.

Tony: Now, everyone describe AJ.

Steve: Smart gal. She would have made a great soldier.

Thor: She is quite peculiar. She told me she doesn't like poptarts.

Clint: She fangirls too much. Mostly when Bruce or Loki talk to her.

Loki: She is strange. She isn't afraid of me, she's brave, and intelligent and has beautiful eyes.

Bruce: A smart girl. I am envious that she was able to get through maximum clearance. She always makes me laugh, and when I look in those emerald eyes I just melt. When she fangirls, her shrieks sound like a symphony of beauty....

Bruce: Wait, did I just type that?

(Bruce has deleted comment)

Bruce: She's cool.

Tony: Loki and Bruce like AJ, Loki and Bruce like AJ.

Loki: I don't like her! My crush is in New Mexico and is strictly off limits.


Thor: He's Hulking out!!!!!


Tony: I better run. Bye!

(Tony has logged off)

Steve: Im gonna go get some popcorn. See you guys soon.

(Everyone has logged off)

{That was fun to write! I'm enjoying having a fangirl here. It's like I'm writing about me! I am seriously enjoying this. If you're reading, tell me what you want to see! I love having fresh ideas.
The girl enjoying her Chatroom,

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