Truth or Dare Part 1->4

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(The Avengers have logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(Pepper has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

Pepper: Welcome to Malibu!

AJ: Wow! There is a king sized bed and a flat screen tv in there! Hey Tony, do you by any chance have any video games?

Tony: Here's an Xbox and Halo 20X.

AJ: There's no such thing as Halo 20X.

Tony: The makers of Halo made me my own version.


Tony: Oh and everything anyone's wanted has been provided for you in your rooms. I did some research.

Steve: It's an iPhone!!!

Bruce: It's high tech science equipment!!!

Loki: It's limitless amounts of pudding!!!!

Natasha: GUNS!!!!!

Clint: ARROWS!!!!

Thor: Look at all the poptarts!!!!

AJ: Is that David Tennant?!?!? OHMYGOSH he's playing Xbox!!!!!! I'm gonna go join him!!!

Tony: Im awesome.

Pepper: Where's my gift?

Tony: See for yourself.


Tony: Ok, you all enjoy yourselves and we'll meet back tonight for truth or dare.

(Everyone logged off)

{A/N So these next few parts are written. It's got a scene with AJ, Bruce, Loki, and David Tennant, a scene with Tony and Robert Downey Jr. fighting over Pepper, and a scene with Steve, Clint, and Natasha. Enjoy!}

-Scene #1-
*AJ's POV*

"It's.... It's.... It's... David........ Tennant.... Playing Xbox......" I stuttered over my words. David grinned. I think I was doing mental backflips. I was standing next to David Tennant, near his glorious hair. Ever since I hacked into SHIELD, my life had been turned into my dream world. "You must be AJ. I'm David-" David said before I cut him off. "You're David Tennant. Everyone knows that. Now are we going to play?" David grinned. "Oh yes!"

I grinned and grabbed my favorite game, 'Injustice: Gods Among Us'. I was about to sit down when I had a fantastic idea. "Say it. Just say Ten's phrase. Please?" David Tennant gave me a dazzling grin. "Allons-y AJ!" I think I died right then and there and went to heaven.

*Bruce's POV*

I had to do something. David Tennant was wooing her while I studied microorganisms on an electron microscope! That was a really depressing sentence.

Anyway, there was only one person who could help me with this job.


I basically stole some of his pudding to get his attention. After about 10 minutes of chasing, I finally was able to have a conversation with him.

"Loki! We have to get AJ out of there!" Loki looked like he stopped breathing. "Out of where?" "

"She's playing video games with David Tennant for Pete's sake!"

"Oh. Is that not good?"

"David Tennant is her celebrity crush!"

"She crushes celebrities and David Tennant is the next one to be crushed? He'll die! We must save him!"

"You are an idiot Loki. She 'fancies' David Tennant."

"Oh no! He may not have my AJ!"

"I have more of a chance than you do."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really!"

Then we argued for a while and then, "Stop it! Both of you! He's married!" Tony yelled.

Loki and I stared for a minute. "What?"

Tony folded his arms across his chest. "David and AJ are just friends. I once saw the future, and she's the best woman when he renews his vows with his wife. They become like brother and sister. Don't worry!"

Loki breathed. "Phew! Now, to my pudding!"

I just stood there. "You saw the future? Does she ever love me?" Tony grinned. "Spoilers my friend. Spoilers."

-Scene #2-
*Tony's POV*

So, Pepper was hanging with her celebrity crush. He had no chance with her. Or so I thought. I had to seperate Loki and Bruce and then tell them that David Tennant is flipping married! It's not that hard to figure out.

Then I heard Pepper giggling in the back. "Oh Robbie...." She mused.

I ran into the living room to find Robert Downey Jr. slow dancing with my girlfriend! "Get off of her you moron!"

Robert let go of Pepper and came up to me. "She's choose me over you anyday."

"No she wouldn't. I love her, and she loves me. So don't even try."

"Her present was me. Not you. Now back off."

"When you get out!"


Them I punched him. Robert stumbled back, then kicked me in the gut. We fought for maybe a minute before Pepper split us up. "Stop it! I choose Tony! Now get out Downey!"

Robert sulked out, and Pepper hugged me. "Don't do that ever again."

"Fine." I then kissed my Pepper. Forever my Pepper.

-Scene #3-
*Steve's POV*

I sat fiddling with my new iPhone as I walked into the training room. An arrow flew by my ear, and I quickly put away the phone. I now understood why you weren't allowed to text and drive.

"Natasha! Steve's here! Get the thing from Sharon!" Clint yelled at his girlfriend. Within seconds, a rope lowered in front of me an Natasha slid down."Sharon said to read this. And that she's sorry."

I looked at it. I was an envelope addressed to "Captain America". Not Steve. Or Stevie. Or Rogers. This couldn't be from Sharon!

But I opened it anyway. It read:

Dear Steve,

I can't do this anymore. You're just too nice! I thought you would be more my type, more of a soldier, but you're just too perfect. I stand next to you, and I feel like an idiot. I'm sorry Steve, this just isn't working. So, I'm breaking up with you.

Your ex-girlfriend,

No. NonononoNO!

The tears fell fast. Within seconds I was sobbing. Natasha and Clint stopped what they were doing and walked over. Clint picked up the letter and said, "She couldn't have done this. It's too cruel." Natasha shrugged. "It's Sharon. She loves being straight to the point."

Clint and Natasha comforted me as I sobbed. I lost my Sharon. This was going to be a long night.

{A/N I said in my other story I felt like Moffat (a writer that destroys the Whovians) today. This is why in this story. There's another reason in my other story. MWAHAHAHA!!

The Girl Who Feels Like Moffat,

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