Hehe I Changed My Mind->48

634 44 11

(Katrina has logged on)

(Maya has logged on)

(David has logged on)

(Triplett has logged on)

(Tony has logged on)

(Steve has logged on)

(Phil has logged on)

(Clint has logged on)

Tony: Hold the phone.

Clint: Why? We don't need to call anyone.

Tony: Its a saying, Clint.

Clint: Oh.

Tony: Anyway, why are Katrina and Maya here?

Katrina: David and I are dating, why wouldn't I be here?

Maya: And I'm dating Triplett.

Tony: That isn't what you told AJ and her friend.

David: Well, me and Triplett didn't think we would stay with them at first, but we realized how amazing they were, and how much we didn't want to end the relationship.

Triplett: Couldn't have said it better myself.

Phil: Well okay.

Steve: That's good.

Phil: At least they aren't pouting insanely.

Steve: Yeah, that was annoying.

Clint: Hey, has anyone heard from

Bree or Nathan lately? Or AJ? Or Bruce?

Tony: Well, AJ and Bruce took a vacation to somewhere, and I'm pretty sure they won't be back for a while. I'm actually I'm charge of the chatroom until further notice.

Phil: That's cool. But what about Nathan? He's a high class criminal who we aren't watching intensely right now. How do you know if Bree isn't evil too.

(Bree has logged on)

(Nathan has logged on)

Bree: Hola!

Nathan: Ola. it's ola.

Bree: I could care less.

Nathan: And that is why I love you.

Phil: I stand corrected.

Bree: Anyway, we went back to my dimension, and I introduced him to my parents, and that was good.

Nathan: yep.

Katrina: Hi!

Maya: Hello!

Bree: New girls? What you guys doing here?

Maya: I'm dating Triplett.

Katrina: I'm dating David.

Bree: Yay! They got girls! Yes! That only leaves...ummm.... wait! that means everyone is dating someone!

Nathan: That's cool.

Bree: Yay!

Clint: So, Tony, how long are you in charge of the chatroom?

Tony: I don't know. Bruce and AJ just left one day, leaving me a note saying they were leaving. So, I guess for a while.

Clint: Okay. Don't do anything crazy because of the power or anything.

Tony: Kk.

(Tony has shut the chatroom down to demonstrate his power and authority)

{A/N I changed my mind! So, apparently you guys really want Katrina and Maya, and I want them there too. It's just that I was afraid that I would mess up their characteristics, or that I would be stealing someone's character.

Anyway, I have a question. This ones kind of a biggie, so please answer.

Do you want this story to end, or just keep going?

I've recently noticed how many chatrooms exist. I know I try to do things differently, but I also saw someone's chatroom, and they follow this story, and the plot line of one of the romance chapters was almost exactly the same thing as the beginning of the chapter Past Fears. It really made me sad that someone had done that, because I spent so much time on that chapter. Hours of my life were spent. I poured my heart into that.

Anyway, this story seems to be dragging on. I think I want it to have an end, and then maybe a sequel, a chatroom that focuses more on specific characters, or a story completely based on AJ, or Cecile, or Nikki.

If you want this story to just keep going on like other chatrooms, that's good. But I don't want this to be like other chatrooms. I want it to have an end. And I know how I want it to end.

Please help me decide the fate of this book, because this story has meant so much to me. I just hit 13K, which is completely unbelievable. Thank you all for supporting my story.

Like, vote, comment, pet your dog/cat/stuffed animal, whatever you feel like.

The girl who attempted to read a Bruce Banner fanfic and got jealous of the main girl and threw her phone down in rage,


The Little Avenger ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now