Speed Dating->46

660 37 19

(David has logged on)

(Mary has logged on)

David: Why did I get into this?

Triplet: Okay, next girl!

Mary: Hi!

David: Oh, hello!

Mary: Hi, I'm Mary.

Triplett: I'm Triplett.

David: I'm David.

Triplett: Wait, by any chance did AJ give you an 'important shot' when you walked in?

Mary: ....Yeah

David: Well, I hope you don't mind, but you're on a chatroom. I'm going to start your 2 minutes....now. Tell me about yourself.

Mary: Well, my full name is Mary Rose Anne Yvon. I'm 20 years old, and I can control water and read minds.

David: Are you open to being in a relationship with someone who can change into other people?

Mary: Sure! I'm willing to try it out.

Triplett: Do you have any hobbies?

Mary: I really like comedy. Jokes and stuff.

David: That's nice.

Triplett: Oh, I'm sorry, times up. We will get back to you.

(Mary has logged off)

(Maya has logged off)

Maya: Hi! I'm Maya. You must be David and Triplett.

David: Yep, that would be us.

Triplett: So, your timer is starting...now. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Maya: I'm Maya Las Filipinas. I think I'm 26, but it's hard to tell when I round it to human years. I work at SHIELD. I kill the people who need to be killed.

David: Well then, that's nice.

Triplett: So, you're an assassin?

Maya: Yep.

David: That's nice.

Maya: Is that all you're going to say?

David: I'm nervous, I'm sorry.

Triplett: Ignore him. What is your weapon of choice?

Maya: I'm pretty good with knives, and I am a master in Filipino Martial Arts.

Triplett: Wow! That's amazing!

David: Times up. Sorry. Who's next?

(Maya has logged off)

(Katrina has logged on)

Katrina: Hi! I'm Katrina.

David: Hi! I'm David!

Triplett: I'm Triplett.

David: Your time begins...now. Tell us about you.

Katrina: Well, I'm Katrina Phillips, but most people know me as Animexa. I can control nature and turn into animals. I also have mechanic wings.

David: That's awesome! I can turn into other people.

Katrina: Awesome!

Triplett: So, you are a superhero?

Katrina: Well, one of them. There seems to be a lot of them these days.

David: Yeah! I know! It's so strange.

Triplett: Sorry, times up.

(Katrina has logged off)

Triplett: I really liked the girls.

David: Me too! They all seemed great.

Triplett: I guess we will just sleep on it, and maybe ask one of them out.

David: Yeah, that seems good.

(David has logged off)

(Triplett has logged off)

{A/N So, there's our three speed date contestants! Comment who you want Triplett to ask out and who you want David to ask out.

I hope you all liked this chapter. It was fun. Thanks to those of you who sent in your person! I loved your characters, they were unique and awesome.

Like, vote, comment, eat macaroni and cheese, whatever you want to do.

The girl who is so flipping sick and it's awful,


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