Drama, Drama, and More Drama->7

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(The Avengers have logged on)

(Nikki has logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(David has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

(Darcy has logged on)

AJ: Ok, so I went all Dalek on Red Skull, so he most likely is in a faraway world hiding from me.

David: I don't blame him. *continues to read Smosh magazine*

AJ: *rolls eyes* ANYway, Nikki and Cap can tell their story now.

Bruce: WAIT!!!!

Tony: What?!?!

Natasha: Is Abomination here?

Clint: Did Red Skull come back? If so, he's an idiot.


Loki: That's not THAT bad Thor.

Darcy: *cough* *cough* Really bad pickup lines *cough* *cough*

AJ: I know right? I mean, seriously! "Are you a frost giant? Cuz you give me chills." Or "Have you come from Asgard? Cuz you look like a goddess to me."


Darcy: LOLZ

Bruce: No! I just wanted to get popcorn! Don't worry, I already got it since you all were bickering.

Nikki:.........well here goes nothing. Steve, you start.

Steve: Ok, so I was fighting at one of the Hydra stations when I saw a black haired girl strapped onto a lab table. She was almost unconscious, and it looked as though she was about to be dissected. I didn't know why, but I still knew I had to save her. After releasing her, she awoke within seconds!

Nikki: When I woke up, I recognized Steve immediately. Time Lords know most things about their favorite planets. I had come to meet him, and Red Skull had captured me and tried to dissect me. He wanted to know what made me an alien.

Steve: She told me this, and I helped her get to her TARDIS. Her TARDIS looks like a black van. Cool right?

Nikki: It is pretty cool. Now, we used my TARDIS to travel into the future after the battle was over.

Steve: It was really cool.

Nikki: He was my companion for a while, but a former companion of mine, Miss AJ over here, reminded me that he had a destiny. So I dropped him off and let him fall in love with Peggy, and fly into the ice.

Steve: It was heartbreaking.

AJ: Awwwwwwww

David: Awwwwwwwww

Bruce: Awwwwwwww


Nikki: Excuse me?

Steve: FedEx?

Darcy: Tony likes you two as a couple. I ship it like FedEx is a fangirl way of saying that you two need to date for Tony or else he will have so much feels without a canon.

Tony: *sobs* CAPTAINGAMER *sobs* FEELS *sobs* HEADCANON *runs around flailing*

Loki: I am the #1 shipper of Tasertricks. It's been a headcannon of mine since New Mexico.

Darcy: Ive got a boyfriend.

Loki: WAAHHHHHHT?!?!?!?

David: Drama bomb!!!!!

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