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{Ok, this one's a little different. An old friend is coming to visit, so enjoy the drama.}

The Final Private Chatroom

Steve and Nikki

(Steve has logged on)

(Nikki has logged on)

Steve: Nikki, is something wrong?

Nikki: Yeah! I've been receiving ominous anonymous texts from a girl, and she says things like, "Steve is mine." and "I'm coming back for Steve." It's scaring me!

(Sharon has logged on)

Sharon: It should scare you! He's mine!

Steve: Not you again! You broke my heart!

Sharon: I know now that I made a mistake. You were perfect for me. I was perfect for you!

Nikki: Stop it! You left him! You broke his heart! Do you really think he would want you instead of me?

Sharon: I am his true love. You are his rebound girl. So move aside. Your rebound missed, so you can leave.

Steve: She is not a rebound! I love her, I would never, ever leave her for someone who thought I was 'too nice'.

Sharon: Don't you see? We are perfect! Nikki doesn't deserve you!

Nikki: You don't deserve him either!

Steve: Sharon, Nikki is perfect to me. I would never ever leave her. I want you to leave.

Sharon: You have forgotten something very, very important. Nikki is a time lord. She will outlive you by millions of years. Enjoy mourning your one true love, Nikki.

(Sharon has logged off)

Steve: Nikki, she's right. It will hurt you so much if you fall in love with me.

Nikki: Then I'm going to have to do something insane.

Steve: What?

Nikki: I'm going to change my DNA and become a human.

Steve: No! Don't you dare do that because of me.

Nikki: I can't live without you. I can't. It would hurt too much.

Steve: Please. I know how much that will hurt I change your DNA. This is not the answer.

Nikki: Yes it is. Once I change my DNA, I will age the way you do. I will be 25 years old for just a year. Today will be considered my birthday, because it is the day I will become human. And you can't stop me. It will hurt more to live past you than to change my DNA.

Steve: I guess... I can't stop you.

Nikki: I will be back.

-1 hour has passed-

Steve: *sits on couch waiting*

Nikki: *walks in* It's done.

Steve: Oh no. Are you okay?

Nikki: Yes, I'm better then okay. Im amazing! Im human! I can live with you. I will never have to let you go.

Steve: Then, I guess, this would be the best time to do this. *gets down on one knee*

Nikki: Oh my gosh!

Steve: Nikki, you are the best thing that has happened to me. We have been dating in secret for almost a year now, and I know for sure that I love you more than anyone in this world. Will you marry me?

Nikki: *tears fall down her cheeks* Yes! Yes! A million times, Yes!

Steve: *puts the ring on Nikki's finger* I love you.

Nikki: I love you too! *kisses Steve*

Steve: *kisses back*

(This Chatroom has been abandoned)

{A/N Yay!!!!!!!!! Also, keep voting on their ship name. I love this chapter so much. So very very much!

also, have I mention that I like foreshadowing things? Well, I do.

And I did not put any characters that are foreshadowing a huge huge huge huge huge huge event that will be starting next time I update.

Nope, didn't foreshadow anything at all.

The one who may or may not be lying like GLaDOS in the first Portal,


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