Fangirl Boot Camp->3

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(Avengers have logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(Pepper has logged on)

(Sharon has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

Tony: Im bored.

Bruce: Me too.

Loki: This cell is annoying.

Pepper: I ran out of paperwork!

Steve: I broke all my punching bags.

Clint: I ran out of things to shoot.

Natasha: Im the same as Clint.

Thor: I am so bored that I would enjoy ANOTHER BATTLE OF NEW YORK! *throws Loki on the ground*

{A/N If you haven't figured it out, it's supposed to be like the ANOTHER scene in Thor}

Loki: OW!

AJ: I can fix that!

Everyone: NOOOOOOOO!!!

AJ: Today is fandom boot camp! Loki, Sharon, Natasha, Pepper and Thor are all going to be watching all seven seasons of Doctor Who!

Loki: Well, the aliens have some awesome ways of conquering. I shall learn how to EXTERMINATE and DELETE like an alien with no feelings.

Thor: What is this Pediatrician of Who?

AJ: You shall see Thor. Now, Tony, Clint, Bruce, Steve and me will be watching Once Upon A Time.

Tony: No fairy tales. No way.

Bruce: Ok.

Steve: Whatever works soldier.


AJ: Actually, Clint, since you already fangirl over OUAT you and Loki are switching.

Loki: Awww. No deleting?

Clint: Awww. No magic coming?

AJ: Sorry guys.

Loki: You're joining us right?

AJ: Yep.

Loki: I don't need to delete. I will be fine.

Bruce: *glares*

Loki: *glares*

Bruce: *glares*

Loki: *glares*


Tony: OK! Anything else AJ?

AJ: Yeah, pay attention. There's a quiz at the end.

Everyone: AWWWWWWWW!

-48 hours later-

(Avengers have logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(Pepper has logged on)

(Sharon has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

(Fury has logged on)





Sharon: ROSE!

Pepper: RIVER!

Sharon: ROSE!

Pepper: RIVER!

Fury: Come along Ponds!

(Fury, Natasha, and Clint have all flown away on the TARDIS)

AJ: What have I done?

(Everyone has logged off)

-the next day-

Clint: My head hurts....

Pepper: Why is the name Rose Tyler written on my forehead?

Bruce: Why does Loki have a tin suit on?


AJ: Loki. No alien would say "Backspace".

Loki: Well Cybermen say delete! Backspace is almost the same thing!

Bruce: Loki, you are such an idiot.

Loki: Well at least I'm handsome.

Bruce: *glares*

Loki: *glares*

Bruce: *glares*

Loki: *glares*

Bruce: You're evil.

Loki: You're green.

Bruce: *glares*

Tony: THAT'S ENOUGH. Now, does anyone remember what happened yesterday.

Sharon: Why is my arm covered in the words tenrose & ninerose? What does that mean?

AJ: Their brains are not ready for fangirling. They will not remember. Unless you're Bruce or Loki who keep asking me who I ship. Bruce is always like "Don't you ship Tasertricks?" and Loki always says "Don't you ship Bruce an Betty?" What is with those guys?

Bruce: *glares*

Loki: *glares*

AJ: Ummmmmmm......

Pepper: Hey girls, I want to play Truth or Dare tonight. Now, whoever wants in, say 'Aye'.

Everyone: Aye!

Pepper: Ok. Your plane tickets to Malibu are in your bedrooms. We are playing Truth or Dare at me and Tony's.

Tony: Yeah!

Everyone: Yippee!

(Everyone has logged off)

{A/N Next chapter will be truth or dare! Fun! I guess if anyone who's reading this wants to, they can send in a truth or dare. Oh and I hope you like the come along ponds part. Though I don't think Natasha Romanoff would be very good at waiting......

The Girl Who Loves Mark Ruffalo,

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