Chapter 32 Alex and Cat

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"Um I don't think so! I want it to be special. Especially since it's my first time." I said quietly.

"You're a virgin?" Cat asked quietly so nobody else would hear except our table.

I nodded.

"Why have you waited so long?"

"Because I don't want to have one of those one night stands or anything for my first time. I want it to be special and romantic. I believe in not doing 'it' until marriage."

"Have you talked to Niall about this?" Alex asked.

"No. It's not really a subject I like to talk about with a guy."

"I'm a guy." Alex pointed out.

"Yea but your gay. It doesn't count." I told him. "So what did you guys come up with?"

"We were thinking, a Crazy Mofos tank top matched with a cream colored jacket, with cream wedges. Skinny jeans, with a light pink clutch. Jewelry will be a heart necklace with diamonds in it, a gold ring with a light pink flower, peach colored roses for earrings, and gold and brown bracelets." Cat showed me a picture of it all.

"We wanted to go with a light flow. So with your makeup you will have light pink lips and a black cats eye with gold around the outer part of your eye." Alex showed me his idea.

"That's amazing you guys! You came up with all of that in the time I was talking to fans?"

"No, I already had this made. We were going to save it for something else but we think this would be much better."

"Aw! Thanks guys!"

"How was it?" Tom asked.

"It was delicious." I said putting my napkin on the table as he took away my plate.

"Would you guys like anything else?"

"I think we're good. Can we just get the check whenever you have a moment?"

"Yea. Sure. I'll be right back with the check for you."

"So what are your fans going to be called?" Alex asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well everyone has a fandom. One Direction has Directioners. Justin Bieber has his Beliebers. Miley Cyrus has her Smilers. What are your fans going to be called?"

"I don't know. It would be hilarious if they we called Christians because its a religion, so if someone asked you if you were a Christian and you were like, 'No! I'm jewish!'" I said laughing.

"That's not bad, but no." Alex declined my idea.

"How about Christi's Johnsonators?" Cat offered.

"Nah. Doesn't have a nice ring to it." I said.

"This is hard!" Alex exclaimed.

"How about Christi's Angles?" I said.

"That's perfect! How did you come up with that?"

"The first person to ever hear me sing is now an angle, she was my biggest fan. I want this to be for her." I said tearing up a bit about the past.

"That is so sweet of you! I bet whoever she is, she is so proud of you right now." Cat said putting an arm around me.

I smiled.

The waiter came back with the check.

"I got it!" I called.

But I was too late for Alex had already taken it.

"Will I ever get to pay for anything when I'm out with a guy?" I complained.

"Why are you whining? You ain't loosing any money! That means more to shop with!" Cat, again, squealed.

"I guess your right."

My phone vibrated.

Niall: Meet me at the door of my bus at 5:30.

Me: Ok! Am I allowed to know where ur taking me? ;)

Niall: Nope! You are not allowed! :)

Me: Who says?!

Niall: ME! I have to go. I'll see u later. Love you!

Me: Bye! Love you too.

We all went back to the buses and Alex and Cat got me ready for the date.

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