#2 - Darkside

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"Y/N, I have a new task for you", your master Darth Vader said, as his voice came out muffled from the breathing mask he wore. "Yes, Master ." Vader continued, "I need you to hunt down Luke Skywalker, and bring him here. Do whatever you must to get him here, fight him, trick him. Just do not kill him. I need him alive. Off you go ."You kept your eyes down. You had heard stories of the Jedi Luke Skywalker. You had heard stories of him being Darth Vader's son. You weren't  exactly sure how you felt about this new task Vader had just assigned you. But you knew you must do it. "Yes, Master ." With that you scurried off to your room to collect a few things before you went...
   You unlocked your room, and immediately fell onto the bed. You knew you had to do this, but you didn't know how to. You couldn't even think about fighting a Jedi, About fighting Darth Vader's son. But most importantly you couldn't even stand the thought of having to go against the man you once called a friend, the man you once loved. Before you turned to the Darkside, you and Luke were best friends. And right before you turned you had both admitted to each other that you were in love with each other. You knew he could never love you now. But you still thought about him everyday, you longed to see him, hold him. You knew it could never be that way again. So here you lay, in a puddle of tears, for a man who probably hated you. You picked up a pillow and chucked it as hard as you could across the room yelling "Why Luke?!?" Then you rose up off the bed and put your 'game face' on. You had to do this, and you would. You would never let down Lord Vader. So you went...
   There he was. Just standing there, fixing a speeder. He was so handsome you thought. The way his arms flexed, his forehead crinkled, his eyes were almost shining. He was perfect. Luke was perfect. You still loved  him. And in that moment you knew you always would. No matter what you had to do...
   You decided to wait till later to fight him. You didn't want to fight him like that. In a tank top and shorts, sweating, messy hair. You love his messy hair. So it would only be a distraction.
   You moved. You were now just outside the Jedi Temple. You couldn't see any other people in there. There was no one. But then just as you were about to give up hope of seeing Luke here, you saw him. From the corner of your eye you saw Luke walk past. You went inside and followed him. There was no one in here. So you figured now was a great time to fight Luke. You followed him all the way to his room. You waited outside for a couple minutes. Right as you were about to go in, Luke came out in full Jedi robes and stalked off down the hall. You ducked inside his room. You decided to look around. See if you could find anything that you could use against him in a fight. Anything you could tell Lord Vader. You did find something. But you were completely amazed by what you found. It brought you to your knees...
   Luke had a desk. You opened the drawers. In each drawer there were piles of pictures. Pictures of you and him. In happy times, when you saw them you almost cried. He kept them. In one drawer there were envelopes, with letters. You picked one up. The outside read, My Dearest Y/N. You looked at it over and over, My Dearest Y/N. You decided to open it, hey it was for you right. You ripped it open as fast as possible, and began reading. My beautiful Y/N, the day you turned to the Darkside, the day you left me, is the day I lost all will to live. I love you with all my heart, with all that I am. I wish we could be together again. Happy. Just us, no one else. I wish we could just be together and not worry about anything else. Unfortunately I know that will never happen. But know that I love you.
You stopped reading. You felt your knees giving out, and soon you were on the floor. He loved you. He really loved you. After all you had done. After all that had happened. He still loved you. And you still loved him. But you knew what you had to do. You had to bring him back to Vader, otherwise you would both die. You had to fight him. You had to look him in the eyes and fight him. You had to pretend you didn't care about him. Like you didn't love him. You had to. There was no other way. No way you could be together. So you stood up, wiping your face as you did so, and took out your red lightsaber. There you stood, waiting for the man you loved, the man you longed to be with. Just as you stood, preparing yourself, You saw the door handle turn slowly. This is it, you thought....
   "Y/N." Luke spoke softly and at the sound of your name, he fell to his knees. Here he kneeled, your beautiful Luke. You noticed he changed. He was no longer in Jedi robes. Now he kneeled in a tank top and khaki pants.   "Y/N" he spoke again. He rose off the ground and walked toward you. When he was just centimetres away from you, you held out a hand. "stop." Luke looked at you, tears in his eyes. "Y/N, I've missed you!" You looked at him. Longing to jump into his safe arms. 
He spoke again. "Y/N, I forgive you. I still love you. I'm so glad you're here ." You spoke, tears threatening to come. "Luke, I didn't come here for forgiveness. I came here to fight you. To bring you to your father, Lord Vader." He looked hurt. "What?! I just said I love you!" You couldn't hold on much longer. "Well I don't love you. I never did." With that you drew your lightsaber and swung...

To Be Continued

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