#7 - New Jedi

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   "Y/N, I would like you to meet the newest Jedi. Luke Skywalker. He will be training with you and Master Yoda." You looked the boy up and down standing in front of you. Damn, he's cute. You thought to yourself. "Well hello Luke Skywalker. I am Y/N." You extended your hand out to him, but instead of a handshake, he pulled you into a big bear hug. "Wow friendly." You whispered into him, while hugging him back. Some how you didn't mind, his wanting closeness. You already knew you and him would be great friends! Master Windu interrupted. "You and Luke will be sharing your room. Don't worry, we put up panels separating your own spaces. And we already put in another bed and drawers." He turned to Luke. "Y/N is the best Jedi. This is why she trains with Grandmaster Yoda. And we believe you have great potential. You will learn lots from her. Good day you two." With that he stalked off down the hall. Leaving you and Luke alone. "Wow you must be an absolutely amazing Jedi!! I can't wait to train with you!" You smiled. "Come on, I'll show you my room. Or I guess OUR room." He looked very excited. "Yay!" You raised your eyebrows, then walked down the hall.
   You got to your now shared room, to find all your stuff moved around. Great, I just love when they do that. You thought, very annoyed. Luke walked in and smiled very big. It looked like this was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. He ran to his side. You followed behind, curious to what it would be. He jumped onto the bed. "Isn't this awesome!? I get to train with AND live with a beautiful girl, who also happens to be the best Jedi ever!!" You smiled and looked down, turning slightly pink. He just called me beautiful. "Sorry. Did I come on too strong?" You giggled. "No. That actually just made my day. I fit really have much friends around here." You explained. He held out his hand and took your. "Well I'll be your friend." You couldn't help but smile at this. Why is he so adorable. You looked at your watch. "Get changed. We have training in 20 mins." He smiled. "K." He whispered. 20 mins later you were both running down the hall to get to training...
time skip time skip time skip time skip
   You had been training with Luke Skywalker for almost a year now. And man was he good! By now you have grown to really like Luke. You might even love him, you think.
   One night you got back to your room pretty late. You were out with Princess Leia Organa. Your only other friend then Luke. All the lights were off. Luke must be sleeping. You crept in, changed quickly and jumped into bed. About 20 minutes later, you felt a big THUMP. Luke had jumped into your bed with you. "Luke what are you doing?" You yelled. "Shhhhh." You looked angry in the darkness. "I just want to try something." LUKE ITS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND PITCH BLACK. WHAT COULD YOU." You were cut off by a gentle touch of the finger to your lips. You stopped, your heart racing. You felt Luke shift around. Oh my god! Is he gonna kiss me! Please kiss me! I love you! You felt his breath hot on your face. Then he pressed his lips to yours. Wow. I definitely love him. You leaned into the kiss. Pulling him down in top of you. You couldn't help it. You were so happy, you actually broke the kiss, you were smiling so much. You rested your forehead against his. "Luke I think I might love you." You whispered into the darkness. Afraid of what he might say. "I love you too." He leaned back into you, kissing you hard and full of passion. He was actually squishing you. But you didn't mind. "I have since the first time I saw you." He whispered into the kiss. You smiled. Wrapping your arms around his neck, and your legs around his torso. You wrapped your hand into his beautiful soft hair. He did the same. When the two of you ran our of air, he said. "Wow  I'm happy." You giggled "me too."  You kissed again, and again, and again. You removed his shirt, and kissed down his stomach. Feeling every muscle tense under your touch. "Relax." You only wished you could see him in the darkness. "I wish I could see you." Luke said. "Me too." You agreed. You stopped kissing him, and went and snuggled into his arms. Wrapping your arms around his and intertwining your fingers. He wrapped his big muscular arms around you and pulled you in for one final kiss, before you both drifted off to sleep...

Authors Note
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Updates may come a little slower. Since I am busy with school and training. Well mostly training. Anyway I will try to update once a week. Thank you guys soooooooooo much for over 500 reads!!!! Wow you guys are awesome! I thought this wouldn't get any reads! Thank you! Anyway that's all I have to say. 
  Until next time
May The Force Be With You

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