#2.5 - Darkside ( continued )

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You took out your lightsaber and swung...
Just as you did Luke, took out his green lightsaber and blocked your hit. Great, this isn't going to be easy, you thought. "Y/N STOP!" Luke cried. You continued fighting him. "Y/N, please stop, we can figure this out together just stop. I love you, my beautiful
Y/N", you almost stopped. But you didn't. You must bring him to your Master. No matter how you felt. You swung, he blocked, you swung, he blocked. You realized you weren't really trying very hard. You swung, and you hit his arm. He jumped, "Y/N please", he pleaded, he was so sad, so desperate.
"Luke, I must bring you to Lord Vader, there he will decide your fate" you finally spoke, in a hushed tone. Luke looked at you and smiled. HE SMILED!
He smiled his beautiful big cheek to cheek Luke smile. "I won't fight you, Y/N. If you really want to hurt me, then just do it now. I will go to my father. But I won't fight you, nor will I ever. I don't care if you're on the Darkside." "Luke, don't be a fool." You swung. Then he did something crazy...
Luke dropped his saber, holding his arms wide in surrender. "I feel the light in you Y/N. I feel the good. So here you go. It's your chance take it."
You couldn't, you dropped your saber as well. Then you did something unthinkable, something you shouldn't have done...
You jumped. You jumped into Luke's outstretched arms, meant for surrender. You were in his arms. YOU WERE IN LUKES ARMS. You felt safe, he felt like home. You inhaled, god he smelt good. And in that moment, you knew. You knew this is where you belonged. With Luke. Not by Darth Vader's side. Be Luke's side. You loved this man. You truly and deeply loved him. And always would. He hugged back. You were so happy. The man you had longed to be with for such a long time. "Y/N, I love you. Please come back to me, my beautiful princess." Now that you were in his arms, there was no hiding your feelings. Your voice came out barely above a whisper. "I love you too Luke. I always have. I always will", you could feel Luke smile, and relax. "Then why did, you say you don't? Why did you come here to fight me?" You tensed "I'm scared Luke." That was the cold hard honest truth, you were scared. Then Luke did something, something that made you feel a way no one else could. Slowly he leaned in. He pressed his lips to yours , butterfly light. He pulled away, you both smiled. " I will protect you ". You smiled again. "you can't Luke, no one can. No one can protect me or you from my Master, your father. We will both surely die. He will kill us both." Luke kissed you again. Deeper and more passionate. You leaned in. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and tangled your fingers into his hair. You loved him. After a few minutes you pulled away, in need of air. He spoke softly, "Y/N, if we have each other we can over come anything. You can join the rebellion. Come with me. We will take down my father, your OLD master. Please my love." He took a piece of hair and tucked it behind your ear. You thought about it. You don't know how you thought about going against your Master. But you knew you had to be with Luke. You knew in an instant. You chose Luke. You chose him. You hugged him tight, as close as possible. You whispered into his ear "okay." With that he lifted you up off your feet and swung you. "I love you, and I can finally be with you. Don't worry my love. With you by my side we will be unstoppable!" You smiled cheek to cheek, something you hadn't done in years. This beautiful man wanted you. "You're so beautiful. And now that I have you, I am going to keep you." You looked a little confused....
"Marry Me Y/N?" Wow, you thought. A little early for that. But then you didn't hesitate to answer "Of Course Luke!!" He picked you up and spun you again. You were finally happy. You were both finally happy. And you just couldn't believe this beautiful man, was yours. Yours forever. There you stood in each others arms. You stayed like that for what seemed like a century. This is where you will start your new life. Your new life with Luke. You smiled.

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