#8 - Jakku

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You were walking around your home planet of Jakku, like you did everyday. Except today was different. You didn't know how. You just knew it was. You walked around for about an hour when you saw a speeder in the distance. You ran toward it. A boy was riding it. He parked and hoped off. You went up to him. You had never seen him. Why would someone who doesn't live
on Jakku, be here. " who are?" He grinned. "I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here because we have received threats that this part of Jakku is going to be under attack." Your eyes widened. An attack! By who. No one cares about Jakku! Especially not this part! I'm the only person! "Oh" was all you could manage to say. "Is your family here," he asked you. You shook your head. "I'm the only person anywhere around here. " he grinned again. "Hop on." You jumped onto his speeder. "My names Y/N, by the way" you whispered into his ear. He smiled "Y/N, that's a nice name. " he's so sweet. I hope he's serious about the attack and not just kidnapping me. "Thanks Luke." Luke pulled up next to a little hut of a home. That's cute, you thought to yourself. "Here is where you ( and me ) will be living for the next little while. We need to keep you safe. Since all these threats were around your area and you are the only person. You must be important." You looked away, trying to make sense of all this. "So I'll be living here with you?" He smiled "yes, unless you want someone else." You looked down. "Nah I guess your good." He grinned "good to hear".
~~~~~~~~~ 4 weeks later~~~~~~~~
You really like Luke. Like REALLY liked him. You haven't even been living with him for very long, but you had grown very close. You wanted to be more than friends with Luke. You just didn't know how. And the one thing that always stopped you was the thought, what happens when my home is safe again? Will I ever see him again? You didn't know. But you knew you really liked Luke. Maybe even loved him, if it was possible. So one day you decided to tell him.
"Lukie, can I talk to you for a minute." He came running towards you and engulfed you into a huge hug!! You loved when he did that. "Anything Princess." He released you. You looked at him. "Luke I-I-I- think I-I-I- really um-um," you were sweating and you were so nervous. You just couldn't. Luke looked at you then blurted out, "I know we haven't known each other that long but I think I'm falling in love with you Y/N." What no ohmigod. Luke is falling in love with me. Wow! You smiled then said, "me too." With that you moved closer to him, and he to you. You were centimetres away from him, his breath hot in your face. You closed your eyes, and went for it. Your stomach went crazy with butterflies. You were kissing Luke Skywalker!!!! He kissed you lightly at first, then he wrapped his hands into your hair, and deepened the kiss. He pushed you against the wall, tilting your head back. He was violently sucking at you lips. You wrapped your hands into his hair. He picked you up and took you onto the couch. He sat you down. You looked at him, you were both grinning cheek to cheek. "Luke, what happens when my home is safe?" You questioned him. He looked at you before smashing his lips and body onto yours. "Don't worry about that right now," he said stroking your hair, which sent shivers down your back. You relaxed into the kiss. You stayed like that for a while. You were like 1 whole person, and you loved it. This was perfect, he was perfect. And you were just going to enjoy. You breathed in his scent as you fell asleep
The end

Authors nots
Hey Padawans! I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I was busy with extra training. Thank you guys soooooo much for over 1k reads!! I love you all so much *virtual hug* that imagine was okay but I have some better ones planned. Maybe even some 3 parters! So tell me what you guys think!
Until next time,
May The Force Be With You

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