The Return Of The Unexpected

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Stiles woke up with a scream, his heart was hammering against his ribcage like it wanted to break free, sweat was pouring down his face and into his eyes blinding him and then he started to panic even more when he felt a pair of arms snake behind him and hold him down.

"Stiles... Hey your ok man, just breathe" a voice said slowly from behind him and whoever it was started taking deliberate breaths for him to follow and slowly he started to follow and things became more clear to him.

It was Scott who was behind him holding him to his chest and breathing ridiculously slow and his Dad was in front of him wiping his face with a cloth looking more concerned than anything.

"Are you ok Son?" The sheriff asked to which he only got a slight nod from his son "I hope so, you haven't had any night terrors for a while and now all of a sudden? Is this something to do with Deaton and that Theo kid?"

Scott must have nodded or even said anything because his dad started mumbling about keeping tabs on Theo but Stiles had no energy to join in the conversation, he felt exhausted all of a sudden like his energy was just taken from him and he could feel sleep pulling at him.

Scott and the sheriff both noticed that Stiles was dozing off in the Alpha's arms since he was so quiet all of a sudden, so they both got off the bed and laid him down and started tucking the covers around him, hoping that he sleeps ok for the rest of the night.

"Ok Scott, Ill leave you to sleep as well, I have to be up early so Ill be out before you wake up, but call me if anything happens again, even the slightest – Scott nodded his head in agreement and got comfy in his make shift bed when he heard the Sheriff whisper to his son – Don't worry Stiles Ill keep you safe" and he turned to leave.

"No where is safe" was all that was hard before the soft snores from Stiles started, both Scott and the sheriff heard it but they didn't speak of it, instead they both went to sleep hoping the morning came round soon enough.


When they all reached the vet clinic they found Deaton standing by the doors waiting to let them in, he had his arms crossed against his chest and he look mildly concerned yet angry, he assured them he was just unhappy that his vault had been broken into but Stiles couldn't help but think the vet had a lot more on his plate than he was letting on.

After an hour of being poked and prodded by all sorts of instruments and asked about 50 questions Deaton declared that Stiles was in the clear of possession and that he was just having mild experiences because the Nogitsune was now supposedly loose. However they were all told that if a demon was exorcised and contained for a while then if by chance it was set free it would try to claim its previous host first before seeking someone else out.

"Well that has put a bummer on the case hasn't it, how am I supposed to avoid being possessed again when we didn't know till too late last time" Stiles asked feeling his heart speed up just thinking about it.

As if on cue Deaton rested a hand on Stiles shoulder and placed something in one of his hands, looking down he noticed it was a wooden emblem that had been cut and carved from the same wood as the sealed box and its purpose was to prevent possession and keep the host safe.

Scott decided to put it on a chain and for Stiles to wear it around his neck at all times plus he was told he wasn't to be left alone and that someone had to stay with him every night for at least a week so they were sure the emblem would work.

Of course Stiles objected at first, but you can't refuse an Alpha as easily as he thought and that is how Scott ended up being in his room that night when he woke up screaming from that nightmare.

(Sterek) You Can't Escape From Me StilesWhere stories live. Discover now