Together Forever

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"Of course I am" Derek answered before leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips "always".

Stiles felt Derek slowly pull away so he grabbed ahold of his shirt and pulled him back for another kiss, it wasn't just their normal brush of lips like they were used to because Stiles felt brave as he licked along the bottom of Derek's lips causing the wolf to open his mouth slightly.

Before Stiles could even start to take advantage Derek plunged his tongue into the teen's mouth making him gasp at the sensation. The sour wolf started to move his tongue all around the teen's mouth tasting every last bit of him, Stiles tried to copy but he couldn't keep up it felt so good but it left him so breathless he had to pull back.

"Sorry, I forgot that you aren't fully healed".

"It's ok, I feel fine, just a little tired" he said around a yawn.

"Let's not get you so worked up shall we" Derek said with a smirk on his face just before he plunged his tongue back into the teen's mouth attacking his tongue with his own as he cupped a hand behind his head and lowered him down onto the pillow.

Before Stiles lost too much breath Derek withdrew his tongue but instead he began kissing him along his jaw and biting his neck down to his collar bone where he licked and sucked from one side to the other making the teen's back arch of the bed.

Stiles wondered how something so little could feel so good, wow Derek was definitely good with his mouth he thought. He froze when he felt the hem of his t-shirt being pulled up slowly, the coldness attacking  his stomach ever so slightly.

Derek sensed the teen's sudden jolt and looked into his eyes "If you want me to stop then I will, I can wait until your ready, I am fine with either way".

" please, I was just taken by surprise, if I don't do this now I will probably never be able to do it...please Derek don't stop" he begged.

"Ok...but if it get's too much I want you be honest with me ok??" After the teen bobbed his head up and down Derek leant down and began to place soft kisses along his stomach, he sat up and pulled the t-shirt off of him in one quick motion before resuming his kisses that were slowly trailing up to the chest.

Stiles didn't know if he should be doing anything (after all this was his first time and he was playing the role of a woman but when it feels so good he can't really complain now can he) lifting his hands up he placed them on the small of Derek's back but they felt too stretched out so he trailed them upwards and they ended up clutching the wolf's hair.

Derek was surprised when he felt Stiles hands on his back but he enjoyed it more when they landed in his hair, tugging on it every time he found a sensitive spot, he knew the kid was a virgin so he didn't want to rush anything even though he wanted to just rip his clothes off and bury himself deep inside him.

When Derek came upon a nipple he licked around it before biting down on it and then sucking and kissing it better, repeating the same motions to the next one, it turned him more when Stiles cried out in pleasure and begging him not to stop.

Stiles couldn't contain the whimpers when his nipples were bitten and he certainly couldn't contain the cries when the sucking started, he was embarrassed at the sounds he was making so he tried to keep quiet but Derek would bite and suck harder until he moaned aloud again.

" goo...good" he tried to say before another cry left his lips.

Derek smirked at that, enjoying the noises he was receiving "oh you like this huh? Your nipples are so hard Stiles they are begging me to bite them but I know you like that so lets see if you like this" he said as he wove his hand under the hem of his pyjama trousers and cupped his balls.

(Sterek) You Can't Escape From Me StilesWhere stories live. Discover now