Not What We Were Expecting

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It was the warmth that Stiles woke up too, it surprised him because normally he is freezing cold and is fighting for warmth no matter how wrapped he is but today is different, he is actually sweating because he was so warm. He cracked an eye open slowly, wary of the morning sun blazing through his window, funny that, he recently started closing his curtains to avoid the wolves poking their noses in but here it was open, and that wasn't the strangest part.

Looking down he noticed an arm had been draped across his chest holding him in place, a thick and muscly hairy arm belonging to a man, Stiles tried to think back to last night but all he could remember was Derek turning up out of the blue, oh god he thought it can't be.

Slowly turning his body over so he lay on his back he came across a peaceful looking and sleeping Derek, he was glad the sour wolf was actually sleeping because he doesn't think he could handle the grumpiness so early in the morning. Knowing he had to get up to go to school he wanted to move but he couldn't tear his eyes away, for once he could stare and not get called up about it, he noticed the sour wolf had long eyelashes and the perfect stubble running along such a powerful jaw, oh how he wanted to touch it.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare kid" came Derek's gruff voice, Stiles was shocked that he was caught and to actually see a smile on the mans face before he hid it behind his mask, noticing how he looked the kid up and down before he spoke again "you look more rested now, sleep well?".

"Erm yeah I did, no nightmares woo, now this isn't awkward at all but did you put me to bed? Nope that really was awkward, I better get ready for school" Stiles said before jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom to clean himself up hearing Derek shout behind him to make sure he takes a shower.

He didn't think that he spent too much time in the bathroom because when he was all cleaned up and ready he was met with Scott who was leaning against his bedroom door scowling at Derek who was glaring back at his best friend.

"Okay, what is with the awkward moments this morning? Will you two just kiss and make up as I don't want to be late for school, oh and erm thanks for your help sour wolf, if you're here when I get back Im calling pest control and now for school, lets go Scott or wise you'll be walking" he said and he walked out his room.

The drive to school was quiet, Stiles had asked Scott a few times about his hand in why Derek was at his last night and why they had a stare off in his bedroom but his best friend just told him to drop it and went back to his brooding usual self, luckily Kira was there as soon as they parked up so Scott had no choice to crack that face and smile.

They all had managed to meet up by Lydia's locker as she was the last one still getting ready, she noticed the others appear in the mirror and was happy to see a certain face.

"Stiles, you look more like yourself today, did you manage to sleep well last night?" she asked with a smirk on her face like she knew something he didn't.

"Yeah actually, I finally got a full night thanks, shall we get to class then? Lacrosse time it is, see you later ladies" he replied and walked off to the boys locker room with Scott trailing behind him.

Practice went well today, in fact all his classes did, Stiles finally felt pretty good and that he could finally concentrate for a change, no one had harassed him on his recent behaviour which he was glad of and he even went to the library after school with everyone to do some homework and research on the dread doctors and that's where he ended up at all alone.

The others had left to go home and now it was his time to retire, he put the books back where they belonged and he turned towards the doors to leave but Theo stood in the way, "doing some late catch up are we Stiles? Need any help" his tone dripping with sarcasm.

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