I Know Where He Is!!

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Beacon hills hospital has got to be the busiest place in town obviously due to the amount of lives being saved but this time it was a buzz of activity and panic when the towns Sheriff, the main nurse and vet were rushed in, all struggling to breathe.

Chris was currently standing outside the room the others were being held in and he was on the phone to Scott filling him in with all the details.

"Yeah they are all stable for now... I don't know...It was Theo's goons who got the drop on us.... yeah ok...Ill see you soon".

"So what did Mr. Alpha have to say about it all, Is he going to tell Stiles??".

"He isn't sure yet but he will be on the way soon he needs to talk to Derek first and since it's the kids first day back at school they all have attend, Ill get Parish to call in for Stiles though".

"Lets hope Stiles takes it well because if he pushed himself to the limit it will be just exactly what the Nogitsune wants".

"Lets hope not" Chris said as he walked down the hall to where Parish was standing.


Meanwhile back at Stiles house Derek could hear Scott and Lydia walk up the stairs talking about a phone call with Chris on how the Sheriff, Melissa and Deaton are in hospital and how the Nogitsune caused it all.

How great he thought, when things are bleak they just get bleaker, Stiles' condition wasn't improving and now it's going to get worse when he finds out his Dad was injured in the process.

A knock on the door brought Derek out from his thoughts "Come in" he said quietly, hoping not to disturb Stiles' sleep.

"I take it you heard about my conversation with Chris??" Scott asked.

With a nod from Derek he continued "well what do you think we should do, should we tell him?? If we do we are falling straight into the Nogitsune's plans".

"I don't think Stiles can handle this right now but I also think it is wrong to keep it away from, it is his Dad it has happened to after all" Lydia said.

"I think we should tell him, Lydia is right as it is his Dad, if it wasn't the Sheriff then it wouldn't matter so much, I'll wake him up and tell him, you both head to the hospital and we will meet you there".

With a nod and a quiet goodbye from Scott and Lydia they both turned around and left the room and soon the house, leaving Derek to think of the best way to tell Stiles what had happened without him shutting everyone else out again.

A few minutes later Stiles starting to murmur and turn as he was caught in another nightmare, great Derek thought what a perfect time to tell him after a bloody nightmare.

"Hey Stiles your ok, wake up now" he said as he gently nudged him on the shoulder.

Stiles eyes shot open and he froze for a few seconds but remembering it was Derek whose arms were around him he soon relaxed back into the embrace and closed his eyes.

"Don't sleep yet kiddo, we need to talk" he said as he shifter about so they were now facing each other.

"Can't it wait?? I'm so tired" Stiles said around a yawn and his head slowly bobbing about.

"It's about your Dad".

That got Stiles attention "What about him?? Is he ok??".

"Well not just your Dad but Melissa and Deaton too".


"They were all caught in a trap by the Nogitsune and are now in hospital, Alan and Melissa were poisoned by Kanima venom and then they were locked in the vault with a flash and smoke bomb, by the time Chris and Peter got to them they were hardly breathing but... they are stable now ok".

(Sterek) You Can't Escape From Me StilesWhere stories live. Discover now