It Hurts When It Hits

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Reaching Scott's house Derek noticed that there were a few cars there already taking up the drive meaning everyone had turned up already and they were the last to arrive.

Deaton and Melissa got out of the car and came round to the back to help him with Stiles.

"Hey sleeping beauty wake up we are at Scott's now" Derek said slightly shaking the teens shoulder.

"mmmm... no...too....tired" he mumbled trying to bury his face further into the jacket.

"You can rest inside on the sofa, it's a lot more comfortable than my car" Deaton said as he crouched down and pushed Stiles's hair from his face.

"Mmmm ok, lets...go" he mumbled again, struggling to push himself up.

"I've got you Stiles" Derek said as he manoeuvred them both out of the car and slowly walked to the front door, Melissa in front and Deaton trailing behind they all entered the house and entered the living room which was full of people.

All eyes were on the four people who had just entered the room and it all went quiet, Scott stepped forward straight away barking off orders and no one batted an eyelid or refused.

"Lydia, Kira, Malia start the drinks, Liam turn off the tv and Mason turn the police radio off, Peter stop lurking and Derek the couch is free for Stiles" Scott said as he helped his best friend to the couch .

As soon as Stiles was settled he almost fell asleep again as his head hit a cushion but he knew now wasn't the time to sleep as they all had questions but did he have the answers?

"You alright buddy?? Just take it easy ok we are all here for you" Scott said as he stood up and looked to the doorway as Sheriff Stillinski came walking through.

As soon as he spotted Stiles he came straight over "Hey kid, how are you feeling?" he asked his son.

"I'm ok Dad... really I am...any news??" Stiles replied quietly.

With a grim expression the sheriff stood up and turned to address everyone in the room "unfortunately it is confirmed the six people were killed by being stabbed multiple times, there was an obvious struggle which we all know as we followed the trail to... erm the site, plus all six were involved in a robbery not far from the woods and they had killed a young family in the process".

Peter stepped forward and looked Stiles in the eye "It's all so grim indeed but by the sounds of it they deserved it and anyways what I would like to know is do you remember anything?".

All eyes fell on Stiles making him nervous, normally he craved the attention but right now he just wanted to hide away and forget everything "erm... the last thing I remember is trying to leave the library but Theo stopped me and he ripped the emblem off of me and suddenly it all went dark and cold, I remember glimpses of hurting Theo and running through the woods but that's it...sorry".

"It's not your fault Stiles, what do you think of all this Chris??" the Sheriff asked giving his son a rest.

Stiles tried to keep his eyes open and listen to what everyone thought, it was a grim situation and he hoped someone had a good idea on how to help him but he couldn't help but give in to the exhaustion and he drifted off and no one stopped him.


"Stiles..... we are one Stiles... you enjoyed killing them people last night, you wanted that chaos and you want more..."

No... please no... some one help me... please!!!


Everyone was too preoccupied on finding ways to remove the nogitsune, even Kira's mother Noshiko had popped in to help, they had research and theories spread out all along the dining room table so no one noticed when a certain teen awoke.

Stiles slowly got up from the couch and was heading towards the back door when Scott noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

"Stiles?? Your up, are you ok?" the alpha asked causing everyone to turn their heads round to the teen.

"I'm fine Scott, just stretching my legs is all" he replied.

"Your acting skills has gone down hill since you last reigned, what's wrong is he fighting back more this time?" Derek said taking a defensive stance.

"What are you talking about Derek? I'm not acting?" Stiles said whilst shaking his head.

"You can't fool me, barely an hour ago Stiles could hardly walk or even speak, he was that exhausted and a little nap won't fix that" Derek replied, making everyone realise the point he was making.

Stiles stared at Derek for a minute before he tilted his head slightly to the side and a sadistic smile crept across his face, the madness didn't suit some one who was usually full of life but they all stood there feeling helpless as the Nogitsune took over their friend.

"Trust you to catch on so fast Derek, I thought I was doing fine as well but you and your observations clearly fooled me" the Nogitsune said.

"Let go of my Son you demon, you have played with him enough" the Sheriff growled.

"Now now daddy dearest, I am not letting go of this boy ever!! His mind is ever so busy and smart I love using it and he knows so much about all of you that would surprise you all if you knew what he knew".

"I swear we will take you down again and destroy you fully this time and not even Theo would be able to bring you back" Lydia said anger lining her features.

"Oh baby I doubt you could do that, you think you care for him but you go on rolling around in the hay with an ex alpha, he doesn't love you anymore, he has his eyes on someone else and we all know who that is, it's like I am stuck in a soap opera and I love it, all this Chaos and drama hahaha".

"That's enough, we know your cause and we will defeat you again and again and as many times as you come back we will destroy you" Chris said slowly pulling his gun out.

"Oh Chris, how's Allison?? Oh wait she is dead isn't she, my apologies but I couldn't resist, I wanted to see the blood, I wanted to feel those raw emotions".

Without any warning Derek and Chris both raced across to tackle the teen to the floor but both were sent flying into opposite walls, Derek was dragged by the collar of his jacket and pulled backwards and then Stiles mouth was next to his ear.

"Now don't be too hasty darling,  If you make me hurt you then we can't kiss again now can we" he whispered but dropping his hold on him when Liam, Scott and Peter approached.

No one knew what happened next but Stiles well the Nogitsune was standing above them all, it had threw everyone around including Melissa and Lydia.

"Now you all shouldn't rush ahead like that when I can't control myself and you know what is the best part about it all, your little Stiles is screaming and shouting from the inside begging me not to hurt any of you hahaha Now I'll be off and if you all stay out of my way then I'll leave you all alone".

Next thing they knew he had just vanished, one blink of an eye and the Nogitsune was gone leaving behind a group of helpless friends and families.

"Shit, not again, he took my son and I couldn't do a thing" the Sheriff shouted.

"Don't worry John, we will get him back, I know where he is going, Ive put a tracker on him so at least we get a head start before it finds out" Chris said rubbing his head where it had collided with the wall.

"Tracking him is good and all but if we don't figure something out soon to contain the Nogitsune then I am afraid Stiles won't last that long, we have a week tops I'd say" Deaton said.

Now it was a race against the clock to track and banish the Nogitsune and save Stiles, can they do it? Or will they be too late??

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