That Place Again

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As Derek pulled up to his old house he noticed Liam, Mason and Malia waiting, turning to Stiles he noticed the teen looked more exhausted than he had in days.

"How you holding up?".

"If I am honest I feel pretty lousy but I'll be ok, we need to capture that demon as fast as we can".

"Yeah but how do we do that?? There has to be a way, we could always ask Theo".

Stiles turned to look at Derek with a confused expression "how would we even manage that??".

"I'd force it out of him of course" he said with a smirk.

"Ha I would love to see that, the others are pulling up now, lets go" Stiles said as he climbed out of the car and waited by the door to catch his breath.

Derek climbed out of his side and was about to go round to Stiles when he noticed Liam by the teens side offering his help which he took gratefully.

Scott had managed to gather everyone around in a circle "Ok we don't know anything yet, if the Nogitsune is in there or not but it is worth a look, everyone watch your footing as that place has so many holes I am surprised it's still standing, no offence Derek, and watch out for Stiles ok".

No one said a word as they headed up and into the house, Chris and Scott were in front leading the way but they soon stopped short in the first room of the house when they spotted the Nogitsune standing there looking all smug with Theo and his pack surrounding them.

"About time you all showed up, took you long enough Stiles, what are you doing, too busy dying??".

"You should know, you did this to me" Stiles replied noticing everyone surrounding him in a tight circle.

"Don't be like that Stiles, if you just come with us then you can see how great it is to be in my pack and on the flip side you won't be dying no more" Theo said as he stepped forward.

"Don't think you will get your way this time Theo, we are here to stop you" Scott growled as his claws and fangs appeared.

"Scott you are useless as an alpha let me show you how it's done" came Theo's reply as his fangs and claws appeared too.

"Don't be rash you idiot, I'll handle all these, you guys just get Stiles like we planned" the Nogitsune said as he pulled on Theo's arm to stop the teen from advancing.

Before anyone could even react the Nogitsune had managed to weave his way through the crowd and stopped short in front of Stiles "time to come home kid" he said reaching out but before he made contact Peter had grabbed it's hand and twisted it, hearing the bone break.

The Nogitsune roared and leaped onto Peter and began throwing punches, Kira had pulled Stiles back out of the way but she was soon surrounded by Theo and his pack and soon the whole room was involved in a battle that would go out of control.

Stiles had always been in bad situations but this one seemed to be the worst, his friends were all around him getting hurt because of him and he couldn't do a thing to help them.

He tried to move but Kira, Liam, Lydia, Mason and even Braeden had him surrounded, each taking their own hits to protect him.

Each time he turned around to make sure everyone was ok left him dizzy and he knew that if he kept it up his legs would give way and that would make it harder for the others to protect him.

Then something happened, a sudden coldness drifted over his skin causing him to shiver and fold in on himself, he didn't even know he hit the floor until Mason tried to lift him up but that's when it hit him, such an intense pain exploded in his head accompanied by a screeching noise so loud he couldn't hear or even have the energy to open his eyes to see anymore.

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