Was I Right To Do That?

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The ride to Deaton's clinic was quiet, no one said a single word in case they woke up the unconscious teen, Deaton was driving, Melissa was sitting next to him and Derek had Stiles's head in his lap whilst the teen was sort of spread out across the other two seats.

As they got closer to the clinic Stiles had started to murmur random words and toss his head like he was caught in a nightmare, Derek had attempted to stroke his hair to keep him settled but Stiles had other plans as he shot up and screamed.

"Shit, Stiles, hey your ok kid, your safe, shhh" Derek said calmly whilst pulling the teen onto his lap and started rocking slightly.

"You have him Derek??" Deaton asked looking at the wolf through the car mirror.

"Yeah Doc we are all good, lets just get there already".

"A few more minutes and we will be there, keep him warm Derek we can't afford for him to go into shock" Melissa said as she turned back to look out of the windshield.

Derek felt like it had been the longest drive of his life, Stiles had started to shake quite violently so he pulled the teen right up against his chest and wrapped his jacket around him tightly, as soon as Stiles started to warm up he had started to drift off to sleep.


Pulling up to the vets Deaton had helped Derek get Stiles out of the car whilst Melissa went ahead and unlocked the doors and flicked on all the lights.

"Lay him down on the centre table Derek, Melissa the first aid kit is in the top draw to your left, ill crank up the heating so he stays relatively warm".

After a few minutes the three adults had removed Stiles bloody jacket and shirt and were cleaning up the odd wounds and the blood that had soaked through his clothes when the teen began to stir.

"Stiles can you hear me, do you remember who I am??".

"De...Deaton??" came the mumbled reply.

"That's right, your at my clinic and your safe ok, Melissa and Derek are here with us and we are just going to clean and patch you up".

"Derek's...here...too??" Stiles asked, un sure whether to believe the vet or not.

"I'm right here kiddo" Derek said as he gently placed his hand on Stiles shoulder making the teen look his way, all three adults were surprised to see the teen visibly relax after seeing his face.

They all worked in silence for the next ten minutes checking the teen all over and just as they had finished Scott came walking through the doors with Liam on his tail and a bag in his hand.

"I thought you would want some clean clothes Stiles, you can have a shower at mine if you want".

"Thanks Scott, I really appreciate it" Stiles replied attempting to climb off the table but having no strength in his limbs he just fell forward and if Derek didn't catch him then he would have definitely hit the floor.

Being pulled to his feet he noticed the others were closer by in an attempt to catch him too "I'm ok guys thanks and cheers Derek, Ill get changed now if that's ok and Ill meet you all in the car".

"Ill stay with him, we will be out in a few minutes" Derek said leaving no room for arguments as he took the bag of clothes off Scott and started to take them out, everyone took their leave which left the pair alone.

"Thank you Derek, I don't know how I would cope without you or even the others, I don't want to drag anyone down with me, I just I don't know how I feel about anything anymore but I know one thing for certain and that is I don't want you to leave me, I know its selfish but..."

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere ok, I'm staying right by your side, now come on lets get you changed" Derek replied as he helped Stiles get into some clean clothes.

As Derek pulled on Stiles jacket he was suddenly so close to his face, he expected the teen to pull away but Stiles just looked at his eyes and then to his mouth and back to his eyes and that just did it for the wolf, he closed the distance and pressed his lips to the teens.

Realising what he just did he backed away apologising "shit, I'm sorry Stiles, I didn't mean to erm kiss you, come on lets go before the others come looking" and he pulled him gently by his hand until Stiles was in front.

Luckily it was bitter out so it covered up the pairs blushes on their cheeks, Derek guided Stiles with a hand on his back to Deaton's car where himself and Melissa had returned to, they climbed in slowly well Stiles stumbled in and sat by one door and Derek sat by the other.

The atmosphere seemed different on the ride to Scott's house and Stiles just couldn't take it anymore, he was embarrassed at what had happened but it's not like he didn't enjoy it, in fact he wanted to have kissed Derek a few times before but he was scared of the rejection, pushing his fears aside he scooted over towards Derek and leaned his head on his shoulder.

He felt Derek tense for a second and he was about to pull away when Derek curled his arm around him and pulled him closer, he could smell the rich leather from his coat and the musky smell that never seemed to fade and he felt safe just being so close to the man.

Derek wouldn't admit it but he was glad Stiles made the move, he thought he messed everything up with the kiss but he had a few hopes now, he noticed Melissa and Deaton smile at each other but he paid them no mind as he started stroking the teens hair effectively sending him to sleep, gosh the kid must be exhausted.

A good ten minutes is all it will take to get to Scott's house and Derek hoped that everyone was there already so they can all discuss what has happened these last few days, he didn't ideally want Stiles to be there to hear all the bad stuff but he had no choice, he just hoped that they had a plan to save the one he cared for so much.

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