Live For Me

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"Come on bro, you aren't concentrating enough, aim for the net".

"I'll aim for your face in a minute Scott if you don't shut up" Stiles said as he took another shot at the goal.

Stiles couldn't remember why he was playing lacrosse with Scott, he was happy and Scott seemed clumsy so he couldn't have been bitten yet, wait bitten by what he couldn't remember. me? ... Can you hear me?

"Scott??" That's strange, it sounded like Scott was calling him but there he was in front of him attempting to score a goal, then he heard it again like it was behind him. He turned around but no one was there but his name was still being called so he walked towards the voice.

"Scott? I can hear you but not see you, where are you?".

Listen to my voice and come towards it, don't turn around just come closer.

Stiles started walking to the sound of his best friends voice when it all went dark and cold, "Scott ...I can't...I don't want to come closer it hurts and it's cold".

It's ok, it won't last, I will be with you at the end, you can do it.

Deciding he had nothing to lose he carried on forward, but every step he took he felt memories return to him, some were good, some were bad and some were down right terrifying making him stumble a few times with how hard his past hit him but he knew he had to carry on.

The memories of the Nogitsune came rushing to him at once, the darkness pushed down on till he was on his hands and knees gasping for breath "please leave me alone, just let me go" he begged as he curled into a foetal position.

All of a sudden a scream so loud rocked him backwards and when he opened his eyes he came face to face with his best friend "Scott??".

Scott smiled at him but when he looked up his smile had vanished, he must have been holding him up because next thing stiles knew was been lifted into Derek's arms and the others flanked around him, even his dad and Melissa were there.

Stiles looked between the gap of people and saw himself standing there, no he knew it was the Nogitsune who was wearing his face again, and it seemed like the fox was injured as it was putting all its weight on one foot.

"You can't keep us apart for too long Scott,  he will need me eventually if he wants to live and there is nothing you can do about it".

"Oh we will see about that" Scott said but as he inched closer the lights above exploded putting them all in darkness and when the emergency lights came on the demon was gone.

"Dammit, Liam can you smell him?" Scott asked the youngest knowing he had the best nose.

"What a trickster he is indeed but Scott I think you have more pressing issues than the fox, your little human isn't looking too good" Peter said as he placed his hand on Stiles head just to pull it back.

"He has a fever, it's best if we get him home" Derek suggested looking straight to Scott.

"Go, Mom, John, Lydia and Mason go with Derek, we will be there soon ok".

"Be safe Scott" Melissa said as she ran out after Derek who was eager to get Stiles home.

Scott and the others began to track the Nogitsune down, hoping they could at least get a trail before they went to check on Stiles.


Liam tracked the Nogitsune's scent through the back doors towards the South exit of the school, only stopping once when he spotted a puddle of blood that had a mix of Stiles' scent in it and they followed it out but it stopped at the car park.

(Sterek) You Can't Escape From Me StilesWhere stories live. Discover now