The Final Battle

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Stiles didn't remember the journey in the car, he never knew that they even left the vet clinic until he opened his eyes a fraction and saw the familiar huge doors to Derek's loft.

"Wake up Stiles" Deaton said as he patted him on the cheek.

"Why...are we at....the loft?" He struggled to say.

"The Nogitsune is being held here, we are going to finish this once and for all, are you ready?" Chris asked as me loaded a clip into his gun.

Stiles suddenly felt more awake knowing that this was the last fight with the Nogitsune, whether he wins or loses he most likely won't be coming back from it "Derek, I can...walk...I'll be fine".

Derek gently lowered Stiles down so he could stand, only slightly losing his balance when his feet touched the ground but Deaton steadied him "remember what you have to fight for, don't give up ok?".

"I won't, I promise" Stiles answered as he looked briefly at Derek before walking slowly to the doors as Chris opened them.

As soon as the doors opened Stiles noticed that everyone was there even his Dad, all of them surrounding a figure slumped against the pillar, they all looked up when the four entered slowly before resuming to guard the demon.

Scott and the Sheriff walked over towards the small group "I am glad to see you up and about son" John said as he hugged Stiles before letting go and allowing Scott to hug him too "Glad to see you awake bro" he said before stepping back, only leaving a hand on his shoulder to ground him.

"Does everyone...know about the...plan??" Stiles asked.

"Everyone knows the plan, it took a while to convince them all and they hesitantly agreed" Scott replied.

"Are you sure about this son?? You aren't looking too good".

"Dad I'll be fine, it's now or never right, so lets get this over and done with" Stiles said as walked to where the others were standing.

Stiles attempted to smile at his friends as he passed them but it soon turned into a grimace when he stood in front of the demon wearing his face.

The Nogitsune looked up into Stiles eyes and a dark smile crept across it's face "Oh Stiles you just can't stay away from me can you, it's like we were meant to be".

"I doubt that...I want you to leave and never return...forget this place...forget about me".

The look of shock crossed it's face before it burst into a fit of laughter "Oh you are so naïve little Stiles, I am going to kill all the people you love right I front of you and swallow you whole so you will suffer for eternity".

"I thought you would say that, so how about this, I have an idea on how to kill you want to play my game and see if you can beat me??" Stiles questioned him.

No one expected the Nogitsune to break free from it's confines and leap onto Stiles but before it could hurt him Malia and Derek had dragged it off of him and threw it across the room.

Lydia and the Sheriff knelt down to help Stiles up who was trying to catch his breath after it was knocked out of him so suddenly "are you ok??" Lydia asked in concern.

"I am...good...just don't lose...sight of him" Stiles said addressing everyone.

The Nogitsune stumbled to a standing position and dusted himself off before glaring at everyone, it was angry that they kept getting in his way, all he wanted was Stiles so they could live forever but to do that he knew he had to kill everyone else.

(Sterek) You Can't Escape From Me StilesWhere stories live. Discover now