Time To Make A Plan

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After everyone had recovered from the beating they were all prepared to track the Nogitsune down and save Stiles, the issue was more urgent now that Deaton had put a time limit on his life.

Chris had left to get his tablet from the car which had his tracking device linked up to and it showed that the Nogitsune was heading towards the school.

"Why would he go to the school?? There is no one there it's the weekend" Mason said breaking the thick tension in the room.

"When does his movements ever make any sense?? The Nogitsune always has a plan and we need to beat him to the punch line" Peter said.

"Well what do we do then?? We have no idea what it did those few days we lost track of Stiles, it could have built another bomb, Lydia do you feel anything?? Lydia??" Scott asked.

Everyone turned towards the banshee and noticed she was by the back door with her head tilted to the side like she was trying to hear better "I feel cold and scared, something is coming and I don't know what and all I hear is Stiles, he just wants it to stop but he is too weak".

"This might not just be the battle of the mind this time it seems to be the body too, being possessed twice has took a toll on Stiles and the longer they are together the more he fades away until he is just a shell" Deaton exclaimed.

"Lydia go with Kira, Malia, John and Mason to Stiles room and see what you can find, Sheriff you know that room inside and out so you will be more help there, Peter and Chris you go to the woods and see if you can pick up anything there, might be nothing but its worth a try, Melissa go with Deaton to the clinic and see if you can find anything that will help Stiles and the rest of us will go to the school ok".

Everyone nodded and went the way the alpha commanded, hoping someone will find something out and bring their friend home.


Lydia stepped into Stiles' room first and was hit with raw emotion, she has been in the presence of a dead body before and witnessed so many terrible things and felt such darkness but this felt so much worse, so cold and evil it took her time to adjust.

Looking up she noticed there were red wires all over the place attached to several pictures and documents about bizarre and strange deaths and occurrences that have happened in Beacon Hills.

"What the hell is all this" Malia wondered aloud.

"Looks like Stiles, I mean the Nogitsune has been busy, he has been looking into all the supernatural that is in the town, there are things here that we didn't even know happened" Mason said.

The Sheriff walked over to the clear bored that Stiles would write all his theories on and noticed something was missing. "The blueprint for the school is gone, it was right here" he pointed to a blank space.

"What sort of blueprint was it?" Lydia asked.

"The electrical wires blueprint, what would he need with that?" he replied.

"Whatever it is it can't be good, I have to get to the school and warn the others" Kira spoke up from the door.

"Scott told us to come here so we will stay" Malia argued.

"I am the only one who can control the electrical currents if something goes bad so I should go".

"Kira is right, you go there and we will see what else we can find and catch up with you" John said.

With a nod of her head and a whispered goodbye Kira sprinted out of the house and drove towards the school whilst the others carried on looking through stiles room.

(Sterek) You Can't Escape From Me StilesWhere stories live. Discover now