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The next two days we're like the others. Having to wake up early, eating breakfast, learning korean and then chatting with Namjoon or by now with my uncle and my aunt from time to time. At least I was able to tell them some things. My reading is pretty good by now (I realized hangeul isn't that difficult) but mostly I don't understand the content of the texts. But I am getting better from time to time so that's a win for me.

Today will be different though. Today was monday. Today Namjoon won't be able to tutor me because he has to go to school himself.

You could think that I can finally sleep until afternoon at least but no. Being the super enthusiastic teacher Namjoon woke me up before he left and gave me some "homework".
It must have been so much work for him because every single worksheet was handwritten and he even thought about questions specially for me.

I smiled a bit thinking about how caring he was. If he wasn't my cousin I definitely would have been fallen for him by now. But seeing him as a relative I just like him as a brother.

I finished my homework and stared at my plain walls. I really should go buy some paint to personalize this room. I tried to remember what Namjoon said about when he will be back but I just couldn't remember. I only knew that it was pretty late.

The shops will he closed by then...

Wonjae and Nayoung weren't home either so I just decided to go by myself. I put on my red converse and was on my way to leave the house. I stopped right in front of the door.

I could take Rapmon with me on a walk.

I turned back and made the white dog ready for the walk and left the house with him.
It was a sunny spring day and you could go outside without a jacket which was very unusual. At least for me. In Germany, where I actually am from, you can barely go outside without a jacket before May.
I enjoyed the sunlight on my skin and walked slowly through a park. I was pretty sure I was here last time with Namjoon but it kinda looked different. Actually I didn't even knew where I was.

I should have paid more attention to where I am walking than to the good weather...

I stopped moving and stood in the middle of a forest-like area and I felt like crying.

How can I get lost in such a short time? I was on the open field just moments ago! Am I that bad at orientation??

I tried to call Wonjae but I had no signal.

I sat down and petted Rapmon. "Hey Rapmon do you know where we are? Can you maybe help me?"
He just barked and looked at me with his head turned to the right as if he was trying to understand me.
"Yea thought so..."

I tried to figure out where I came from but nothing looked familiar. Or better said everything looked exactly the same.

I just walked in one direction and hoped for the best. Fortunately I found a street which actually looked familiar. I tried to recall the walk I had with Namjoon but I haven't paid much attention to where we walked that day.

I seriously should start looking where I am going...

I searched for a street name or anything but before I could find one a car stopped next to me. He asked me if I was lost I guess (in korean of course) and I nodded. He continued talking to me and that was much more difficult to understand.

Where... Or did that word mean what? He is talking about me at least I know that. Living! He said living! Where do you live?

I concluded he wanted to know where I live to help me so I told him the address. Or showed it him on a note because I always forget the streetname. He smiled and looked at me and said something with Namjoon.

Does he know Namjoon?

It didn't look like he asked me something though because he didn't wait for an answer but just opened the passenger seat door and said that he will drive me there. I was hesitant trusting a completely stranger but I probably had no other choice. And I mean he knows my cousin so he won't kidnap me right? Right?

He must have noticed that I was struggling because he got out of the car and introduced himself properly. He was pretty tall, about the height of Namjoon, and had wide shoulders. He looked a bit older than Namjoon though. He bowed and introduced himself as Kim Seokjin.

My first thought was that he maybe was another cousin but just because his name is Kim too doesn't say anything as seemingly a third of Korea's population has that family name.

I bowed too and introduced myself as Kim Mila. He smiled at me and then his eyes fell on Rapmon and he kneeled down to pat the dog. He asked me something but the only thing I understood was dog and Namjoon.

Wow that could mean everything.

He asked again and this time I also understood the word why.

Why I have Rapmon with me?

I tried to tell him that I am Namjoon's cousin and he seemed to understand. He smiled again and talked again about Namjoon. But this time I couldn't figure out what he was saying. He noticed and just pointed to his car asking again if he should drive me home.

This time I agreed. If even Rapmon knows and likes him he can't be a bad person. I got into the car and he started driving.

Alien //Part 1 NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now