
18 2 1

I was standing in front of the gigantic building complex. I swallowed and entered through a big glass door. I held my application papers close to my chest and followed the signs to the secretary.

I knocked and entered the Bureau. A woman with glasses and her hair in a bun greeted me and asked what I wanted. I nervously repeated what Namji told me to say and gave her the envelope. She scanned the papers and nodded.

I was standing there awkwardly, not knowing if I should go now or if she still had to say something.
She noticed me still standing there and told me that I can go now.
I sighed and got out of the room.

Between all the students with their neat black uniforms and all I stood out like a sore thumb with my ripped jeans, yellow knitted jumper and my white hair especially. I hurried to get out of the building again. Namji told me to wait for him in front of his classroom so we could spend the break together but I didn't want to attract any more attention.

I went home and felt more and more relaxed. I slowed my pace and enjoyed the walk. It was a nice day and the colorful leaves looked even more beautiful in the sunlight. I took some pictures with my phone and continued my walk.

Soon I won't have enough time to enjoy all this...

I saw our house and searched for the key. When I opened the door an exited Rapmon greeted me. I laughed and petted him.
"Could it be you need a walk?" I got his leash and went outside again. We walked to a little playground not too far away and played around. I was extremely exhausted after a while and sat down on the swings. Rapmon jumped on my lap and laid down probably exhausted too. I smiled as the whole scenery had a calming effect.

I didn't notice how much time passed until I saw that the sun already started setting. Walking towards our house I realized how cold it got and that my fingers are numb and my body was shaking.

As soon as I entered the house I prepared a bath to warm me up. Wonjae and Nayoung already got home again and greeted me, telling me dinner will be ready soon. I nodded and decided to wait with the bath until I finished eating and started preparing the table.

Namji will come back late today so we ate without him and I told my uncle and my aunt about my day. After helping with the dishes I hurried into the hot water.
I felt how all my muscles relaxed and how the warmth flood through my body. I could have stayed like this forever but after about halls an hour the water got colder with every moment.

I got out and changed in some cozy clothes and greeted Namji with a hug when I heard him entering the house.

"I thought we wanted to meet"  he pouted and I laughed nervously, explaining him why I wasn't there.

He laughed and ruffled my hair.
"Well you'll probably attract much more attention as soon as you go to school there. The guys would have to be blind or dumb if they don't fall for you immediately." he laughed but his expression instantly got serious "But if even one thinks he would be worth enough to go out with you they're wrong. Tell me when a guy is bothering you okay?"

I laughed and nodded. It was super cute how caring he was.

"Anyways I have a present for you" he smiled at me widely.

"Jinja? What is it?" I asked surprised.

He ran into his room and went back to me with his hands hidden behind his back.

"First I want you to call me the best brother someone could have"

I smirked and bit my tongue to hold back a comment about not actually being brother and sister.

"Okay you're the best brother (hyung) in the world I wouldn't want to have someone else as my brother (hyung)" I grinned knowing that he actually wanted me to call him oppa.

He pouted but then shrugged "okay I guess you don't want this present. Then I keep it for myself."

"No no no okay oppa~ you're the best"

He grinned and handed me a small package. I slowly opened it and as soon as I realized what it was I attacked Namji with a hug.


"No it's a pair of socks... Of course it is pabo" he smiled.

I unpacked it and looked at it in awe. I once told Namji that I really love Polaroids because it kinda has a different feeling to it. I am surprised he actually remembered.

"Come on I haven't bought that for you to watch it let's take some pictures of us" he seemed as exited as I was and we took about 20 pics just of us. The looked really cool and I planned on decorating my room with them.

"That's a nice memory" Namji said while looking through the photos we just took. I looked at him a bit curious "Yea. We have to take a lot more from now on."
He stayed silent.

"What is it?"

He sighed and hesitantly started to talk. "Well you know I will finish school in some months." I nodded and waited for him to continue.
"and I am planning to study as you already know. Well I thought I would go to Seoul and could stay here as its not too far away. But I got accepted in an University I never thought I would have a chance to go to. It's the University of my dreams and I really wanna go to it..."

I started to understand what he was trying to tell me. "...but? Where is that University? "

He tried to avoid my eyes. "New Zealand...."

Alien //Part 1 NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now