The Runaway Fire- Part 1

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(Note this is season one)

~Dany's PoV~

The day my brother told me I was going to be wed, wed tomorrow to be exact. I nodded and smiled but once I was in my room I cried. I didn't want to marry this person, I didn't even know his name let alone what he looked like. Why is the world so cruel? Why is it that my brother, the dragon wanting me to marry someone I don't know at only 14 year old turning 15 soon? Don't I deserve to have a somewhat childhood before I'm shipped off to some unknown stranger? And it also doesn't help that I starting bleeding yesterday. My hand maiden knows how I feel so she helped me discard the sheets. My brother doesn't know about it. Yet. I pray to to seven gods send me a way out whether it be by horse or boat. 

"Sweet sister how come you didn't tell me about this? He said holding up a bloody bed sheet and my handmaiden, Lorella, by her neck.

"I was going to tell when it was over because I... I uh........" I trailed off. I didn't plan on telling him at all but I had to think of something.

He pushed Lorella to ground and came over to me grabbing my neck with his hands. "Sweet sweet sister, Why did you lie to me? You know how excited I am to be an uncle?" He said with venom in his voice.

'Let her go you viper! She wasn't ready to tell you! Not everyone is ready to do something when you demand it!!!" She demanded with the deepest of hate coming out of her voice.

He dropped me and then went after Lorella, Trying to get my breathe back. I was going to help her but Visyrus kicked me in the stomach and I fell back down. 

"Dany! Let go of me!" She struggled to get of his grip then kicked him somewhere and he fell to the ground.

I struggles to get up but Lorella beat me to it as she helped me up and got me out of the room and locked the door. I heard him say something but it was muffled because the door was locked. She took me to her chambers on the other side of the building, making sure it was far and safe enough from my brother. 

"Dany, You need to leave, sail to Westeros, Braavos anywhere but here." She said holding my hands.

"But I don't want to leave you, Please." I begged her tears brimming in my eyes.

"Listen to me, you are Daenerys Stormborn, one of the remaining Targaryens. If you want to stay alive and unharmed you need to leave." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Remember, That I love you and I always will." Tears we rolling down my cheeks like a waterfall. As much as it pained me to leave I knew she was right, I knew I had to leave if I wanted to keep me me.

"Will I see you again?" I said as I wiped my tears away.

"Maybe one day I'll track you down and see you married to Stark or Lannister, just not a Targaryen. Please not a Targaryen." She said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"if this is goodbye forever I want to sa....." We heard a bang on the door, some let Viserys out of the room.

"Go now and never come back. Goodbye." She whispered in my ear before giving me one last hug. 


I climbed out her window and heard screaming and fighting. I was almost to the ground before I slipped and fell on the ground. I got up but my vision was somewhat blurry but enough to see. since it was in the middle of the night no one was outside except for the local drunks. Then I saw a man who looked lost, maybe he could help me get to a boat. Once he saw me I was about to run to him but I tripped and scabbed up my knee. It wasn't bad but it still hurt. I was about to get up but he picked me up and put me on his horse.

"Miss are you alright?" He said his voice filled with concern.

"Yes, I'm fine but I need help with something." I said with my vision finally back to normal.

"You look like you need to see maester, I'll take you." He said about to walk his horse to that wicked mans place. That's when I tore a piece of my dress off and put on my leg to sop the bleeding.

"No you don't understand, I need to get to Westeros but I need to get on a boat but I need to be at least 15 to go on by myself." I said holding a piece of cloth that I tore from my dress on my knee. Once he noticed what I was doing he was looking around for a piece of spare cloth to wrap around it.

"Why do you seek Westeros? Why not Dourne or Braavos? He said wrapping up my knee so I didn't have to hold it.

"I will tell you if you take to Westeros." I said with some demand in my voice. Hoping and praying he would say yes.

"Fine. But first we must know each others names. I am Ser Jorah. Ser Jorah Mormont." He said bowing like a true gentlemen.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn, but please call me Dany. I hated it when people called me by it and it was a lot easier to spell. I would've curtsied but I was on a horse and for the time being it hurt to bend my knee. (A/N: Oh yes it is a lot easier to spell)

"Good to meet you now Dany. Now lets go before they leave port." He said getting on the horse and riding of to the port.

All I know is after a long day of an emotional rollercoaster all I wanted was sleep and I did. When I woke up I smelt the salty air of the sea and a kind man sleeping in a chair. Explaining this was going to be interesting.


Hi! Hope you liked it. Jon won't be in this story until he finds Dany at the wall. Which will be around 3,4, or 5. Still don't know yet. Peace.

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