The Runaway Fire- Part 10

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~Viserys's Pov~

I woke to see Khal Drogo standing in front of me, looking deep deep into my eyes. I jumped startled. I looked back and saw my host, his eyes laced with confusion like mine were.  How did he even get on the boat?

(Thank you DixonGirl13 for reminding me to add him to their journey)

~Dany's Pov~

The violet eyed direwolf looked deep into my also violet ones. She wagged her tail with excitement. 

Dany: Her name is Nateri

Jon: A beautiful name for a beautiful pup

He smiled and started patting her, I smiled at his comment. For some reason I had this feeling when I was around him. This feeling of happiness and joy a feeling I never had around my brother. I missed him when he wasn't with me, even though I've only known him for a number of days. Whenever i'm with him all I can do stare into his deep grey/brown (whatever color they are) eyes. Apparently from what he told me all of his siblings have them too. I had finished burying the mother wolf and picked up Nateri holding her close. Jon and I walked back to camp to see everyone still asleep. I finally had alone time with Jon, again for an unknown reason I liked when we were alone. Jorah, the man who saved looked at Jon like an annoying pest that needed to be whacked in the head with a bat. The sun hadn't risen yet but it was still light enough for us to see. I patted Nateri's soft fur and kissed her head, a old wind blew across and I started shivering. Jon took notice and out his arm around me, I felt my cheeks heat up but being in his arms felt warmer and safer. I looked up and noticed his cheeks also went pink, I just pretended I didn't see it. The sun rose rising along with beautiful reds, oranges, and pink. I leaned my head chest still holding Nateri. The land was quiet, no lions or tigers (Shiva <3) or bears roamed the land as we watched the sun rise.The quiet was soon interrupted by a voice. 

Tyrion: Well well well, look who decided to watch the sun rise

Jon: Imp, do I need to put a bell on you? Your as quiet as a mouse

Tyrion: If you wish i'm sure the animals would love a walking dinner bell

Jon and I chuckled at Tyrion, he chuckled along with us. We walked back to our camp to see Sam playing with his and Tyrions.

Tyrion: So Samwell-

Sam: Just Sam, please

Tyryion: Sam, what's your little ones name?

Sam: Well I had an great great great grandpa named Paxton and this little guy reminds me of him bouncy and energetic

Jon: So Tyrion whats his name?

Tyrion: Well I hadn't gave it much thought yet but I think Ill call him Orland

Dany: Like the original dragon Orland?

Tyrion: Why yes I always had a fascination with dragons, I even asked for one when I was little but instead of saying "Son, I hate to say but there are no more dragons left"He laughed in my face

Dany: That's terrible but I'm also not a good example 

Tyrion: Well that's neither here nor there, I'd say we wake Jorah make breakfast and head out to winterfell we still have a number of days to go before we reach Winterfell

Jon: I agree to that

Sam: Me and Paxton will go and get some wood for a fire

Jon: Ill find a rabbit or some other creature, come ghost

They both disappeared into the woods I wen t back to the cart and sat on top. Jorah started to stir as Tyrion approached him with Orland. I turned to Nateri and started to train her, started. I was using Jon as an example, the way Ghost listens to him and follows him without fighting back. I could ask Jon for help but I want to do this by myself. Im not gonna be around him forever. 

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