The Runaway Fire- Part 15

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Jon's Pov:

I woke up at the crack of dawn, just before the sun was out. I looked over and saw Dany sleeping peacefully next to me. I smiled, what was it about her that made me feel this way? No other girl has. I got up and quickly got dressed, I wanted to show Dany what the gods wood looked like as the sun rose in the sky. Once I was dressed I closed the door and went to Sansa room. Surprisingly she was awake.

Sansa: Yes Jon?

Jon: Why are you crying?

Sansa: Im not telling you, you'll just run off and tell father.

Jon: I won't, I promise.

Sansa: No! what do you want?

Jon: Do you have any clothes that are too big for you?

Sansa: What do you mean? Why?

Jon: Dany's is still wearing the same thing she has since she arrived from the wall and its getting colder. Plus I wanted to show her the godswood in the early morning.

Sansa: You like her don't you?

Jon: Wha- What are you talking about?

Sansa: Don't play stupid, I see the way you look at her. Everyone does.

Jon: I do not! Do you have the clothes?

Sansa: I think, come inside.

I walked in, there was an overwhelming scent of tears. Sansa went over to her trunk and carefully took clothes out and placed them neatly on the floor.

Sansa: This should fit her.

Jon: What is it?

Sansa: A blue dress and she can wear mothers cloak.

Jon: Thanks.

Sansa: Wait Jon...

Jon: Yea?

Sansa: What was it like- leaving home?

Jon: Ok I guess, but I missed home a lot. Even if your mom didn't like me, I have Arya, you, Father, Robb, Bran, and Rickon.

Sansa: And Dany.

Jon: Shut up.

Sansa: Go, be with her.

Jon: Thanks... again...

I left and went back to my room and saw Dany still peacefully sleeping. I smiled and woke her up.


We walked out to the gods wood, the sun would rise quickly. I could tell she was still cold.

Dany: Jon, what are we doing out here? Its dark and Im not exactly used to the cold yet.

Jon: I know but there's something I want to show you.

Dany: I don't suppose you'll tell me.

Jon: You'll have to wait and see.

Dany: Is it that good?

Jon: It's that good.

Once we got there the light was starting, meaning it was starting. I've seen this multiple time, whenever I was sad or not in the mood to be around my family. The sun started to rise and shined thorough the trees. I glanced over at her, her eyes were wide with wonder and imagination. I smiled and looked back at the sun. The dew on the branches became translucent and dripped off the branch. A gust of wind blew across bringing a chill with it. I placed my hand on wood but felt something smooth, I looked down and saw Dany's hand. She and I looked up at the same time, her eyes as beautiful as ever. Her cheeks went pink and I felt mine heat up, then we both looked at the rising sun. 

Dany: This is beautiful.

Jon: See, I told ya. When I was younger I would come out here. No one would wake up to see it.

Dany: Its a shame, really. This place is beautiful.

Jon: Aye.

Dany: I would do this back in Pentos to get away from my brother.

Jon: Why is that?

Dany: He wanted to sell me off so he could get an army. He always called himself the dragon.

Jon: The dragon? What kind of silly name is that?

Dany: It is silly, but some members of my family are effected by heat. A bath could be blazing hot and they wouldn't feel a thing. 

Jon: Are you the dragon?

Dany: Maybe, if I was I wouldn't know. Maybe your the dragon.

Jon: Doubt it, im a bastard of stark.

Dany: What if your mother was targaryen?

Jon: Wouldn't like that much.

Dany: Why?

Jon: Reasons.

There was a brief pause as the suns finished rising. Guards would soon be out soon.

Jon: We should head inside, before the guards see us.

Dany: Good idea.

We got up and went inside back to my room. She started walking off to hers.

Jon: Where are you going?

Dany: To my room, unless you want me to stay with you.

Jon: Whatever you want.

Dany: I'll you see you in the afternoon Mr. Stark.

Jon: And I'll see you in afternoon Ms. Targaryen.


Im a senior!!!! 

Im happy but terrified, anyways. I need a senior quote and I want your opinion. Here are my options even though the first is a joke. If you have any I would love ideas.

1) I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon, madam. - Harry Hart, 2014

2) Nerd at Heart, So, hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon underclassman.

3) Fearful day and raging night, with strong hearts full our souls ignite. When all seem lost in war of light, look to the stars for hope burns bright.

Hope you enjoy and I am sorry for not updating, my summer was busy and my family was here so I was spending time with them. I'm gonna try and update but who knows what will happen. Peace!

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