The Runaway Fire- Part 7

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Tyrion's Pov

"The man who died rose up, neck chewed up like last nights lasagna. His eyes that were once a icy shade of blue were now a dusty hazel. He was no longer human but a minion of the creature that was created by the children of the forest. He was now a white walker".

White walkers...... These were the creatures that Sam won't talk about in front of others. The nights watch  and all of Westeros thinks they're gone. But according to Jorah he heard some of the former crew say stuff about the white walkers.

"White Walkers were more dangerous then wildlings. But in the future people will most likely fret over wildlings than white walkers."

Well that's true for the most part, the nights watch thinks that white walkers are gone and the wildlings are more dangerous. But if what happened on the boat was true then the white walkers are "awake" as he worded it in the book. My legs had fallen asleep and there was sun in the sky I decided to get up and check on the princess and the bastard. I got up, my tiny legs carrying me to the princess's room where the bastard was staying for most likely a few nights until she could walk on her own. While I was reading, Sam went over and told Jon to get comfy on either bed or chair. With Dany's intrust for men I'm guessing he'll be holding her on those nights. The only men she really trusts were Jon, Sam and, Aemon. Her brother is source of her intrust, I'm guessing he did unspeakable things to her. I got up and walked over towards their room and I heard laughing. They must of been talking about funny stories. I walked in and Jon noticed me.

Jon: Hello dwarf what are you doing?

Tyrion: Well I wanted to see how the princess was so when I came to check I heard laughing and I was curious to see what it was about

Dany: He was telling me stories of his little sister Arya

Jon: Yes

Tyrion: Have you gotten any word on Bran yet?

Jon: No but knowing Catelyn she wouldn't tell me anyways

Tyrion: Very true, How is your knee?

Dany: Better, but it still hurts

Tyrion: Understandable you did fall off a vine

Dany: How'd you know about that?

Tyrion: Aemon told me how you fell

Dany: He did? How's he know?

Tyrion: Your father told him, but thats not the matter

Dany: What were you reading? We'd walk by and see your head in the book?

Jon: Yeah, We'd say hi but you didn't hear us

Tyrion: A book Sam let me borrow, interesting read, do you two read much?

Dany: I know how to read but not much

Jon: Not really same as Dany too busy but know how to

Tyrion: I recomend it, A great man once said "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, The man who never reads lives only one."

Jon: Who said that?

Tyrion: Why only the great Ser George Martain

Dany: Never heard of him

Tyrion: Only wrote one book

Jon: About the whites?

Tyrion: Why yes how do you know about them?

Jon: I'm Sam's best mate and bodyguard, what do I not know about him

I chuckled and saw Dany laugh, a genuine laugh. Not a forced laugh. It seems Jon brings out the best on her, the happy side of her. I then remembered a conversation I overheard between some of the men.

Tyrion: Jon, have you said your vows yet? And Sam?

Jon: No not yet, why?

Tyrion: Well I think you and Sam should go to Winterfell, take Jorah and Dany with you, I would go to

Jon: Why? I know this is no place for a girl but she safe now

Tyrion: I overheard some of the men saying when you or Sam or I am not with her they would take her and do things with her

I looked at Jon how had a look a anger and possessiveness,I tried my best not to smile. As for Dany, She a had a petrified look. This place is no place for girls, especially not for her but her brother would be perfect here. I looked back a Jon and saw his face change, he knew that I was right. I'm always right.

Jon: I'll be back

Dany: No

She got up but fell shortly after. I walked over and helped her up. Jon stood in the doorway looking at her, eyes filled with concern. I nodded and gave him the reassurance that I would protect her. He left and I closed the door, I assumed he was going to ask Benjen to leave bringing Sam. There was utter silence until I heard her speak.

Dany: Is it true? Did they really say that?

Tyrion: Im afraid so, with luck Benjen will say yes and we can leave tomorrow

Dany: We?

Tyrion: You, Jorah, Jon, Sam, and I

Dany: Where's Winterfell?

Tyrion: About two days journey from here

Dany: Wha's it like?

Tyrion: Well, Its like a 14 day ride from here but that's with good weather

Jon walked in at that point with a weird expression on his face.

Tyrion: Well?

Jon: Well what?

Tyrion: What did Benjen say?

Jon: Benjen left but Allister Thorn said and I quote "Snow listen to me your better off leaving, everyone knows you and the blonde girl hump while were asleep, take the piggy with you too"

Tyrion: I'm guessing thats a yes then

Dany: Why do they think that?

Tyrion: Men have the minds of men which goes strait to the gutter

Dany: I thought men were different here I guess not

Tyrion: Not all men think like that

Dany: When do we leave? 

Jon: Tomorrow, 

Tyrion: I'll go tell Sam, you two best get some sleep, we have  long journey ahead

It would indeed be a long journey.

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