The Runaway Fire- Part 12

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Jon's Pov:

I couldn't sleep, my mind still racing about what happened last night. Catelyn apologized for treating me like I was the dog that wasn't put down but should've been. I didn't know how to respond and just gawked at her. But Catelyn wasn't the only thing on my mind though. The other one on my mind was Dany, I was worried about her. We weren't sharing a room anymore and our rooms weren't anywhere near each other. I don't even know why I feel this way, I just do. Is this love? When your worried about someone else like friends or family? Or the Husband and wife love, your other half? I'm going crazy and I can't sleep, what a great combination.

After much debate I went outside, to clear my head and so I could try and sleep when I went back inside. Ghost was off playing with the pups and showing them how act, I saw Nateri among them. I smiled as Ghost played with them.

Dany: Good to know I'm not the only one that can't sleep.

Jon: Wha- Oh.. Hi, what are you doing up?

Dany: I can't sleep, Your mother or step mother is nice.

Jon: She wasn't always this nice.

Dany: Really? She seems like it.

Jon: Well.. Let me rephrase that. She wasn't always so nice to me.

Dany: It's understandable I guess, I mean you did come home with her husband.

Jon: I know but it's just, I don't know.

Dany: At least you had a mother figure, even if she treated you like dirt. I never had one.

Jon: You never had one?

Dany: Nope, all I had was my abusive brother and my caring handmaiden.

Jon: That must've been awful.

Dany: Yeah but it's over now and I'll never see him again. (Don't count on that too much, Dany)

Jon: That's always promising, I was never supposed to come back here until you came that was.

Dany: Is that a good or bad thing?

Jon: Good I guess, I mean... I don't know exactly how to describe it.

Dany: That happens, How come you couldn't sleep?

I paused, I didn't want to say "because you weren't with me" that just sounds like a bad pick up line. But I didn't know what to say.

Jon: I have a lot of things on my mind like how Im back here and Catelyn apologized to me.

Dany: Same kind of. Im not used to big beds, considering my journey here I was on a boat with tiny beds and then at the wall I had to share with you... well not really but I felt a lot safer with you than in my own room.

Jon: Well makes sense and the wall had a bunch of guys that would you know.

Dany: I know, are you going to tell your dad who I am. My real name that is? 

Jon: I don't know, maybe. I hope you don't mind?

Dany: No it's fine. I was just curious.

We went silent and looked at the stars. I looked over at Dany and saw her look in awe at the sky. Her beautiful violet eyes and her darling smile made my heart beat, and I didn't know why. Our silence was interrupted by a peeing dwarf. We looked up at Tyrion who was peeing right next to me.

Tyrion: Oh don't mind me nature calls.

We looked at him.

Tyrion: What? You were out here so I figured I would join you.

Dany: You could do your business else where then join us? 

Jon: Why would the imp do that now? He think everyone likes to see his parts.

Tyrion: Odd I thought everyone did, oh well. So enlighten me, what were you talking about?

Jon: Stuff

Tyrion: How boring.

Jon: What's boring to you might not be boring to us.

Tyrion: I know I know. So Dany, how are you liking Winterfell?

Dany: Much nicer than the wall or a boat and the people here are kind and not dogs.

We all chuckled and heard the wolves howl in the night, I started to yawn and I notice Dany doing it too. After awhile we kept talking, Tyrion left and went to bed nut we kept talking. I tried talking to her but I looked over at her and saw her asleep on my shoulder.  I felt my cheeks heat up again and started yawning again. I knew if I stayed out side long enough people would see two frozen corpuses (That would then rise up and kill everyone). I picked her up gently and took her to my room because I didn't know where it was. (Author: Oh really? Jon:! Now continue on with the chapter! Author: Fine jeez Jon: Thank you). I put her on my bed and laid down next to her but a good distance away from her also. My bed here was a lot bigger than at the wall. At least I knew she was safe....

The next morning

I woke up and felt my arm on my bed normally I would feel her next to me but she wasn't there. What if she left? What if she's gone? What if.... No don't think that! She has to be here somewhere. I left my room in fresh clothes and went down for breakfast, I sighed in relief. I saw her eating breakfast with Catelyn, talking and laughing like she's always lived here. I smiled and joined them. 

Dany: Morning Jon, Catelyn was just telling me about Arya's first steps.

Jon: Like how instead of crawling or walking her first steps were running to father?

Catelyn: Uh I'll never forget that day. How'd you sleep Jon?

Jon: Fine I guess, the beds here feel like a marsh mellow.

Catelyn: I can imagine, they don't care much for comfort.

Dany: I'm glad I have more space that sliver of space of the bed.

Catelyn: Why is that? I would think for being dogs they would at least give you your own room.

Dany: They did but I didn't trust the men there so I mainly just slept with Jon.

Catelyn: Well at least you got some sleep.

Dany: Yeah.

Jon: Where are Ghost and the others?

Catelyn: Outside getting fed with others. 

Jon: Okay

I sat down next to Dany and started eating, soon Robb came in with Sansa and Arya following. Father also came and ate with us. We were all laughing and smiling which wasn't common and for the first time, I felt like I had a family that cared. Well more so a mother that cared.

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