The Runaway Fire- Part 2

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~Jorah's PoV's~

Last night was a weird night, a very weird night. I helped a girl runaway from an abusive family member. Still debating if it was a parent or sibling. When I woke up I saw her with a proper knee bandage and new clothes. She was putting her hair up in some form of a ponytail. I got up and stretched and saw that I had a stack of clothes near me for me to change into. 

"Good Morning" She said as she was finishing up her hair.

"Same to you, How is your knee feeling? I asked her with the hint of concern in my voice.

"It's fine thank you, While you were sleeping some people got us some clean clothes and bandages." She said getting up and trying to bend her knee but didn't work. I ran to her to make sure she was okay.

" Are you alright?" I asked with my eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, I need to walk more thats all."

"Alright, Have they come for breakfast yet?" 

"Not yet but once the sun is half way in the sky they will". She said trying to stand up. So i'm assuming that it is still dark out. 

"I'll be back in a second".  I went to what was used as the bathroom and changed. Once I was outside I saw my assumption was right. The stars were out and the sun had barely risen, The sight was truly a beautiful thing. I found concealed area and changed into the fresh clothes that the ship's captain gave us. Once I was done changing I was about to leave when I heard two men talking about something.

Man 1: So did you hear what happened?

Man 2: What?

Man 1: Some of the nights watch said that they saw some of the nights watch

Man 2: Did he have too much to drink?

Man 1: That's what I thought but then someone else said that the other two died and one ran for his life

Man 2: Poor bastard well at least he wont have to worry about any white walkers 

Man 1: How long was the last winter?

Man 2: Uhhh what a hundred.. two hundred years ago

Man 1: You thinks it coming?

Man 2: Really man, you really think that they're coming?

Man 1: Well I don't think so but my gut is saying its coming soon

Man 2: In most cases I would say trust your gut but in this case, don't trust it because its stupid

Man 1: I don't know man Remember when I said that Varian was going to give birth three or four days early?

Man 2: Yes of course .... Whatever man lets just get back to work

Man 1: Just sayin

Man 2: I kno..... What  was that noise?

Man 1: Yeah what was that?

Captain: It was nothing just rela.......... AHHHH *dies*

Man 2: You were right its the white wal..... *dies*

Man 1: I was only joking about i...... *dies*

I listened as all the men died in pain and agony. How did white walkers get on this boat? Dany. I have to find Dany. I snuck into the room where Dany was in without being spotted by the white walkers. She was sleeping peacefully too bad she was about to go swimming. 

Jorah: Dany, wake up. Wake up!

I was shaking her slightly hoping she would wake up before the white walkers found us. She started to stir and open her eyes. I let out a sigh of relief.

Jorah: We need to go

Dany: Why? What's going on?

Jorah: I will tell you once we are safe

Dany: Okay

Once we were attempting to leave she tried getting up  but fell to the ground. I rushed to help her and stop her from screaming in pain. I got there before she screamed the hump was unavoidable. I walked/run to her side and held her close. We heard the foots steps above us. They were coming closer and closer. 

Dany: We're dead

Jorah: No were not were gonna die

I heard the door open and ran to the door to keep it closed but I fell to the ground and the door opened to reveal.......

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