Day 22: The Kiss

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Day 22: Write a scene where two characters kiss, unexpectedly.

With a yawn, I exited the building where I had just endured three hours of hell. I hated lectures. Seriously, who had even invented them? It was like they were taunting students with the perfect window for a nap, during which they couldn't sleep. The one I had just been through was in the genre of economics and it was definitely the most boring thing I had ever encountered in my life. The professor's voice was monotone and quiet, so you had to listen really closely if you wanted to hear everything. It sucked.

Before I could even process what was happening, my body suddenly collided with another figure, and I landed straight on my back with the other person directly and awkwardly on top of me. I opened my eyes that I hadn't even realized had been closed, and then stared at the orbs that belonged to the individual on me. I knew them. Well. A swirl of blue and green that always seemed to obtain some amount of adventure in them. They were gorgeous. Just like the girl to whom they belonged.

Our mouths were hovering over each other's, but not for long. As if on instinct, in this weird position, we both just lessened the distance between one another, and our lips touched, just like they had so many other times. The kiss was unexpected, but it was still nice. Kissing her always felt nice. Like coming home. We had grown up together, after all. There was just something about this girl that was indescribable and absolutely amazing in every way imaginable. I loved her--I always would--we were just currently going through a rough patch in our relationship. Well, if one could call it that.

For months now the two of us had possessed a very "on and off" status. One week we would be together. The next we wouldn't be talking. It was mainly because our personalities and how they often clashed, but there was just something about her that always drew me back, and I had to assume that the same went for me, otherwise I wasn't really sure why she kept getting back together with me. We had an odd association with each other, but it was really our strong personalities that always got us in trouble.

We had split up and gotten back together seventy-seven times over the past year. It was a bit much for anyone, but it was just how we did things. We would break up, and then one of us would finally cave, and then we would get back together and pretend everything was good for about a week until another inevitable fight arose. Currently, we were supposed to be broken up, but as I kissed her, and I wondered how I had ever let her get away from me. She was so great. Beautiful. Funny. Stubborn. Hot. Smart. Mine. 

When the kiss had finally reached its finality, we both recoiled, still on the ground with her body pressed up against mine. Damn, she looked good today. "Uh, hey," I began with a small smirk.

"Why did I ever break up with you?" she questioned with a laugh, going for round two by quickly pecking my lips once more. It was torture, for the second that her lips were on mine, I wanted more, but she wasn't going to give me any.

"I was just asking myself the same thing." I shot her a crooked smile, entraced by those eyes of hers.

"We should get back together," she proposed the exact idea that I was thinking.

"It's like you read my mind," I muttered. She finally decided that getting off of me was a good thought, so did so, offerring me a hand up. I accepted, and with all the strength that her small frame possessed, she pulled me up, and then instantly hung her arms tightly around my neck so that we were pressed close together.

"I missed you," she whispered, looking down at our feet instead of into my eyes.

"I missed you, too," I returned, for it was the truth. There wasn't a second that I didn't want to not be with this girl. Sure, most of the time she drove me crazy, but that was why I loved her. She was different and would never allow me to have a boring relationship like most of our friends.

Whenever we broke up, we always left with threats. "I hate you so much!" "I'm going to kill you!" "I'm going to put dog poop under your bed!" "I'm going to hook up with your best friend!" But every time, we never followed through with the empty warnings. Time and time again we had sworn to one another that we would find other people--have a casual fling--but time after time, we never did. We loved each other, and even if we had broken up more times that was considered "healthy," we both knew that in the end, there wasn't anyone else for us.

"So, you just came from an economics lecture, didn't you?" she questioned with a smugness to her tone of which I had grown fond.

"Yep, and you had math," I returned, recounting what her schedule entailed.

"Ugh. Don't remind me!" she laughed as I rested my hands on her waist.

"So, what's been up in your world over the past four days?" We had split things off four days ago. It had been a terrible four days filled with ramen and misery, and I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. Heartache was a bitch.

"Oh, ya know," she smiled, but it wasn't one of her real smiles. She was holding back something with that smile, and I wanted to know what it was. 

"Actually, babe, I don't. What have you been up to?"

"Taylor Swift," she mumbled.

A smirk grew on my face as my ears detected her answer. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"TAYLOR SWIFT, ASSHOLE!" she shouted, causing a few heads to turn in our direction. I didn't care, though, and neither did she. Attention had never really bothered us, which was why we were such strong believers in PDA.

"Taylor, huh?" My smirk grew as I realized how much she had truly missed me. This girl that I was somehow bonded together with was the type of chick that liked rock music. Generally, she wouldn't be caught dead listening to the likes of the poppy princess under the name of Ms. Taylor Swift. The only reason that she occasionally turned to Taylor was if she was in an especially fragile state from an emotional standpoint. Aka, if one of our breakups was bad, then and only then would she crank up the Tay. Yeah, she had definitely missed me.

"Shut up," she blushed, continuing to tilt her beautiful head down so that we weren't directly looking at each other. I grinned, and just like our reuniting had begun, I swiftly pressed my lips up to hers, trying to convey one message through my actions: I love you. And by the way she kissed back, well, I had a hunch that her response was the exact one I was looking for, and went something like: I love you, too, asshole.

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