Chapter 11- Scared

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I walk with Niall down the long hallway, Harry and Sarah trailing behind. We make small talk, Niall occasionally stopping to point out a different room. We pass all of the boys bedrooms and the "music room". It seems like we are at the end of the hallway, so I start to turn around, but Niall grabs my arm.

"We aren't done quite yet!" He grins mischievously and pulls me through a big black door. We run down a short hallway, and stop in front of big glass doors. I gasp. In front of me is the biggest pool I've ever seen, complete with a waterfall, two hot tubs, and...

"Is that a-"

"Water slide?" Niall finishes my sentence and laughs. "Yep, Louis insisted!"

I laugh and Niall pulls the door open for me. We both run in, leaving Harry and Sarah outside in the hallway.

I run to the hot tub and put my feet into the hot water. Niall sits down next to me and laughs.

"So, Bailey, um... " He's trying to think of a question to break the awkward silence, but my phine does it for him, buzzing loudly. I pull it out to see a message from my mother.


Bailey, please come to the hospital asap. Lila is hurt.

"Oh God." My mouth drops open. "Niall, I have to leave. Can someone give me a ride to the hospital?"

"Oh my gosh, Bailey, yes, but what's going on?"

"Um... Can we talk and run?" I hop out of the pool and grab my shoes. Niall follows me and we run through the doorway and down the hallway. "LILA'S IN THE HOSPITAL, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!" I shout as we run.

"OK WE CAN DRIVE MY CAR JUST FOLLOW ME." Niall yells back. We run through the fmaily room where Harry and Sarah are watching TV together. They look at us, startled.

"What's going on?" Sarah asks me. I don't answer, I just pull her up from the couch and drag her down the hallway. We follow Niall to the garage, which has an insane amount of really expensive cars. I wish I could look around, but we don't have time. Niall jumps into the drivers seat of a Suburban and I get into the passengers seat, with Sarah and Harry, who has followed us, get into the back seat.

"Ok..." Sarah pants. "What is going on? Seriously Bails, I think you pulled my arm out!"

I look back and give my best friend a small smile. "Sorry. But Lila is in the hospital, and I have no idea why. I'm trying to reach my mum now." I dial my mom's number again and again, but she doesn't pick up. "Um, lets just plan on you guys dropping me off and then you guys should head back, no need for you to wait in the hospital too." I smile, thanking all my friends silently.

"Are you kidding me, Bailey? Of course we're staying." Niall rubs my arm. "It's going to be ok, Bailey."

I look over at him, this boy, someone I've loved for so long (even if there was a small period of hating him :)) and I love him even more. I wish I could just give him a hug, but I can't. One, because if I do, he might crash, and two, because I'm scared to death. For Lila.


Um so sorry this is short, but the next like three chapters are going to be amazing!!! Ahhh and i can believe zayn and perrie are getTING MARRIED OMG IVE BEEN A ZERRIE SHIPPER FOREVER AHH THIS IS SO PERFECT!!!! And..... WE'RE GOING TO WRITE A WEDDING CHAPTER THINGY OMG YAY! Haha im sorry but im like soooooo excited! Planning on posting again tonight if i have time or if not, tomorrow

Love all of you soooooooo much! And please vote and comment and stuff ;)

Xoxoxxoxo Maggie and Izzy

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