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The car journey home was quite awkward as we avoided making eye contact. I didnt even know why to be honest as Tyler was deffinatley gay..I think. We arrived to our apartment and I ran straight to my bedroom and hopped into my jimmy jams! If I had a fetish for anything it would be cute PJ's and odd socks...LOVE THEM! I tied my hair into a bun and stepped into my bunny slippers. I hopped downstairs and Tyler was sat watching big brother until he saw me and flicked the channel over really quickly in embarrassment. I chuckled and patted his head leading to running into the kitchen to get a glass of milk. I sat on the sofa next to him and checked the time - 10pm. We watched a couple of episodes of Hoarders for fun, making fun of the people - oh we are cruel until we got bored.
"Hey Kace! How about we watch a film?" Tyler suggested. I nodded and we looked through the films until we saw...the one...the only...Mean Girls. Of course we both chose that one, high-fiving each other on how alike we are.
"Don't you think Lindsey Lohan was so perfect back then?" Tyler asked, making a conversation. "I mean her hair!" he continued.
I had to say what youre about to read because it was just so obvious. "Tyler, I think you've turned into Damion!" I exclaimed and broke out into laughter. He looked shocked.
"I am slim and sassy!" He shouted and tickled me causing me to be in hysterics. I rolled around in laughing fits as he carried on until he finally gave up as I almost couldnt breathe. We both fell back on the couch and we watched the rest of the film hugging.

I love having a best friend like Tyler, but maybe I want to be more? NO HE'S GAY KACE! I'm getting tired.


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