Is this some kind of prank?

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"Tyler! Stop it!" I giggled as my boyfriend splashed water all over my face. Boyfriend, I'd never get used to saying that. We were currently at the beach, even though I'm self-conscious, Tyler still convinced me into going with him.

"No I won't stop until you admit you look beautiful and your body is too!" He shouted, continuing to splash me.

"My mother told me to never lie!" I retaliated back to him and he looked shocked and hurt. Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted from the ground and thrown into the sea water. As I swam back up to the top, I already spotted Tyler running to the sand where we left all of our stuff, he was in hysterics. I chased him back up to the shore.

I laid down on the towel that was spread out underneath a parasail and checked my phone.

"Hey Kace?" Tyler said.

"Yeah?" I replied back to him.

"I'm gonna go get an ice-cream, okay?"

"Yeah okay! Get me one?" I asked. He nodded and I locked my phone and decided to just lay down and have some peace.

I was interrupted by my phone going off and I picked it up to see a blocked number? I was unsure of answering it but I decided to anyway.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh hello there, Kace. I see you and Tyler are enjoying a special day at the beach!" The mystery voice replied.

"Is this some kind of a prank?" I asked, obviously worrying.

"Oh no, not a prank. You don't see me but I'm watching. I'm always watching."

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked, getting scared as tears formed in my eyes.

"My identity is secret and all I want is for you to stay away from my boy. He was perfectly fine being gay before you came in. I want him but now he's into you. You ruined it. And I want my way."

I was shocked, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Look, this is just a misunderstanding, please don't do this!" I said hoping the mystery man would understand. I silently let another tear fall.

"Don't cry! You're so pathetic! I can see you, another tear rolling down your cheek. I know everything about you!" They shouted down the phone.

I shot up and looked around the beach, searching for someone who was holding a phone, the beach was too crowded to see anyone though.

"Look, I will tell Tyler! I'm not afraid of you!" I lied to the person on the other end of the line.

"No you won't, you're bluffing, I picked up your skills of lying, yet Tyler hasn't. So when you tell him that you don't want to be with him and you hate him in between now and 4 weeks (the time I'm setting you) I know he will believe you." The stranger threatened and I started sobbing.

"I would never say that! I love him and I've waited since the day I moved in with him to call him my boyfriend!" I argued and I heard a malicious laugh.

"Oh, Kacey. You really don't get it do you?" He asked.

"DON'T call me Kacey!" I hissed at him.

"You do make me laugh...KACEY. If you dare tell Tyler...I will shoot you,"

"What?!" I gasped at him. He wouldn't dare!

"You heard me. It's simple, in the space you will receive many phone calls from me...and I'll be waiting. Goodbye Kace!"

And just like that he hung up. I was in such an emotional state that I put my phone beside me and curled up into a ball, waiting for my boyfriend.

"Kace?" I shot my head up to see Tyler with eyes full of concern looking down at me.

"I have a headache." I improvised and he picked me up.

"Okay, you probably have sun-stroke! Let's pack up!"

After packing up, we decided to take a slow walk back, I hugged him the whole way back.

"Kace, you seem more clingy than usual." Tyler stated.

"I realised, every moment I spend with you, I shouldn't take it for granted! I love you so much" I weakly smiled at him and he smiled back, pulling me in closer.

Gosh, I was going to hate this.

I'm either going to be depressed...or dead.

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