Chapter XXV | There She Goes

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   Tear-filled eyes looked into her step-daughter's. Snow loved them both--Ben and Regina. She felt so happy when Regina and Ben finally got together and now they were in risk of being pulled apart. Her still youthful face contorted as Regina choked up a sob. The former queen took a deep breath before she decided to speak.

"I've done nothing but unspeakable things to these people.  I've killed, I've tortured, and I've hurt many.  My only duty now is to protect them.  To protect them at all costs.  Pharaoh will not win," Regina said. 

  "At all costs?  What do you mean?" Snow asked, getting worried. 

   "If it takes my life to save this town then so be it.  I'm done being a villain.  This is my chance to be a hero.  To be the hero.  But I will not put someone else's life especially a whole realm's worth in jeopardy just to save mine," she explained.

   "Regina," Snow whispered and pulled her into a hug, as a tear fell.  She didn't want to lose her now.  She cared for her. 

   "It's okay Snow," she assured.

   "I just want you to know that I love you, Regina.  I always have," she said with more tears building up. 

   Regina smiled sadly and took hold of Snow's arms.  "I love you too."

"Don't act l-like you're dying, Regina.'s just," Ben struggled and Regina grabbed his hand, kissing his knuckles.

"Someone's going to die, Ben. Let's just hope it's Pharaoh," she hoped and let go of his hand. He smiled slightly and she went over to her blonde friend.

Emma looked at her best friend with her watering green eyes. The brunette smiled as she pulled the blonde into a hug. Emma returned the hug tightly. She really cared about Regina and life would definitely be different without her. Emma hugged Ben as well, ever so tightly until they let go.

"You guys better come back, both of you!" Emma pleaded.

Regina smiled sadly at her as Ben grabbed her hand. "Alright then, we should go before Pharaoh starts having one of his tantrums," he insisted.


On the Way to the Forest

The whole town was gathered on Main Street with their weapons at the ready. Ben and Regina noticed Jefferson and Granny first, running to them. "We're here to stop Pharaoh," Ben announced.

The hatter looked over Ben's and Regina's faces which were both filled with concern. He had a gut feeling something really bad would happen to them. They were his only true friends in town and he couldn't lose them.

Jefferson gathered Regina into a hug as Ben and Granny embraced.  "Both of you, please come back alive," the hatter pleaded.  "You guys are my only friends."

   Ben cracked a small smile to the hatter and he hugged him.  "You'll be alright, Jeff," he assured as he patted him on the back.

   Granny looked sadly into Regina's eyes.  "You better come back, the both of you," she warned and then hugged the former queen.  "We still need to have a lasagna contest," she teased and Regina chuckled with a smile.

Granny went up to Ben again and pinched his cheeks like she always did. "I better see that handsome face of yours, again."

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