Chapter XVII | Painful Denial

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It was heartbreaking, watching the woman whom he had fallen so hard for walk out of the room. He had finally tried to correct his life, find that light and he blew it. Maybe this was a sign to protect himself from any pain.  Maybe they needed to bury any feelings to not be hurt.  But it was hard to hold them in when the tears fell. 

   Ben wiped the tracks off of his face and then the phone rang.  He sniffled before he grabbed the phone and answered it.  "Hello?"

   "Ben? Hello this is Zelena. I'm at the house but could you help me with something it's kind of urgent," she said.

"Yeah. I'll be there. What's the problem?" He asked.

The former witch noticed his voice sounded choked up, like he had been crying. "I-It's well...I heard some noises and my magic's acting funny and I don't know what to do--WAIT! STOP PLEASE!!!!" She screamed.

"Zelena?! Zelena?!"

The line was dead and he sighed loudly. He grabbed the keys to one of the deputy cars, rushing out of the station. Ben made sure he had his gun, but he realized the Sword of Truth was back at the house. Crap.


The Loft

Regina ran up to the door of the Charmings' apartment. She knocked rapidly on the door as her anxiety got the best of her. She had forgotten to take her pills where she needed too and all of hell was about to break loose.

"Regina calm down. The door's open-" David explained and she rushed past him.

The Charmings could see that she was shaking and was evidently nervous. Sometimes something didn't even have to happen, she would just get all jittery for no reason. Emma quickly went up to her to comfort her.

"Hey! Hey what's wrong?" She asked her friend.

"N-nothing. N-nothing's...wrong. I...I just get nervous for no reason," she explained as she tried to control her hyperventilation.

"Calm down okay? Did you take your meds?"

"No," she mumbled, shamefully.

Emma sighed and sat her down on the couch. "Take them," she commanded and went to fetch her a glass of water in case.

Just then Regina's phone started to ring in her purse. She got it out after she had take out the orange pill bottle. It was Ben. She immediately answered, automatically assuming the worse. "What's wrong?"

"There's a bit of a predicament at the household, Regina," he explained as he peered around the corner of a wall,

"Oh no," she whined. "I'll be there soon-"

"Take your pills first! Okay gotta go," he yelled and hung up.

He didn't seem to be affected by her rejection. She had to reject him. Loving someone like her would only bring them pain and she couldn't let that happen. She couldn't hurt him, not like that at least.

Regina shoved the pills into her mouth and practically ran out of the loft and Emma ran after her. "Regina! Where are you going?"

"Something's wrong," she said and left the building.


The Mansion

Regina busted into the house, revealing Tie holding Henry at gun point. He had an arm wrapped firmly around his neck as he pointed the gun against his temple. Regina instantly went into Evil Queen mode.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!!!" She shouted and shot magic at Tie, but it was ineffective.

Then unexpectedly Emma shot a ray of magic towards Tie, sending him flying into a wall. "Whoa?! I did that?"

"You have magic!" Regina exclaimed.

Ben grabbed Henry and held onto him, taking him away from the scene. He had taken him outside. Zelena came up behind a stumbling Tie, stabbing him in the neck with a knife. He was crippled with pain and kit himself on fire. "AHHH!!! YOU WILL DIE EVIL QUEEN. SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL DIE!!" He screamed and poofed himself out of there.

"He seems really focused on trying to kill you," Emma commented.

"That's the point. That's their mission that they've trained for," she explained to the blonde.

"Regina are you alright?-"

"Zelena just go for now okay? Please."

The red head nodded and went to check on Henry who was traumatized outside. "He's okay," Emma insisted.

Regina just leaned against the wall. "So did you ever kiss Ben?" The blonde asked.

"No I did not," Regina lied.

"Regina, remember I have a lie detector and it's detecting a lie," she said and Regina rolled her eyes.

"Why does it matter IF I kissed him? Key word is "if"," she hissed.

"It matters because I want to see you happy Regina. And I know Ben loves and cares for you deeply and I know you feel the same for him. So the key word basically says there's a 50% chance you kissed him. But here's the thing, I know you like him so really it's 93% chance.  So stop pushing your feelings away Regina. Just admit you kissed him!"


   Emma wasn't offended when she lashed out.  She knew what it was like to have walls and hide her emotions.  She had that connection with Regina.  A smile grew on the blonde's face.  "Did you like it? Did you kiss him back?  Why am I asking that? Of course you liked it.  Ben's hot."

   "Emma!" Regain shouted, and hid her face as she started to blush. 

   "Regina I swear," the blonde mumbled.


   "Oh my God I swear I'm gonna slap you," Emma said in an inaudible voice.

"You know I'm just saying but Ben's a delicious hunk of man," the blonde said and Regina turned away as she blushed again.

"Shut up, Emma and let's go talk to Henry."

To be continued...

I'm sorry about any chapters from ANY of my books being late. I'm busy like crazy and I have hardly anytime to write. So I'm sorry if these chapters suck.

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