Chapter XX | He Got the Girl

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   That alluring smile appeared on Ben's face as he stared at Regina.  He was finally with the woman of his dreams.  His late friend Cassius had said he would find someone someday.  That wasn't a lie.  He slipped his hand into hers, squeezing it.

"What's on your mind?" Regina asked as she looked over the diner menu.

"Back in my land when I was younger, my friend Cassius was taking about his lover Rosalyn. He had plans on marrying her I assumed after the whole militia thing. Of course you're my first real love, Regina. I never really had anyone who I felt so deeply for. He told me I would find that special someone. I'm just so glad I have found her," he said and she smiled brightly.

Granny then walked up to the couple, not yet knowing their relationship status. "29 years in the town and you still need a menu?" She asked with a hand on her hip.

Regina chuckled and handed the menus to the older woman. "What can get you two?"

"A strawberry milkshake with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, with two cherries on top," Regina laid out, receiving a shocked look from Granny.

"Not two separate milkshakes? Wait a minute are you two-"

Regina and Ben blushed as they nodded in agreement. "Finally. I was about to take Ben for myself."

Ben bursted out into laughter. "I wasn't kidding," she said bluntly before walking away.

Ben immediately suppressed his laughter and looked over to Regina who was struggling. "I'm sorry but that was hilarious."

Ben shook his beautiful head and leaned across the table, giving Regina a quick kiss. After staring endlessly into each other's eyes Derek and Winter came into the diner. The little girl rushed over to the couple as she usually did. "Benny, 'Gina!!"

Winter hugged both of them. "I love you guys!"

"We love you too, Winter," Ben and Regina said simultaneously.

"I have some news," the little girl said scooting not to Regina, clinging on her arm.

"Hopefully good news?" Ben inquired.

"Yep! Me and Derek have been adopted...which is pointless for Derek because he'll be an adult in two years...but still!"

"That's great, Winter!" Regina said and wrapped an arm around her, hugging her tightly.

"So....what's going on between guys?" She asked, raising her eyebrows repeatedly.

"Um...well Winter. This is great news too. Winter, I'm in a courtship with Regina.  Well not completely official because unfortunately I can't ask her parents, but yes I'm courting Regina," he said with a smile.

"You are?!!? This day is a-mazing!"

"It is Winter. It really is," Regina said, looking into Ben's eyes.


A Week Later: Dinner Party at the Loft

Emma had help set the tables for the dinner party, placing the plates and hardware lined up with the chairs. David, Snow, Henry, Benjamin, Regina, Emma, and Zelena would be attending this gathering. Ben and Zelena helped Regina bake some pies (apple and pumpkin).  She promised them that she didn't poison it as a joke.  Snow and David worked on a delicious roast and Emma baked some yeast rolls, burning them slightly. 

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