Ash Ketchum (Pokémon)

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I find a good place to camp after a long day of training. I find this clearing with a nice view of the sky, I decide to set up camp there. Me, Misty, and Brock all lay out our sleeping bags. And I lay out a little sleeping bag for Pikachu. We all lay down and close are eyes.

Brock falls asleep first, so me and Misty talk about the stars and constellations till she falls asleep. I then try to find some constellations since I'm not that tired.

I didn't have much luck, I just found one of a bunny. I then close my eyes, and fall asleep.

• • •

I look around, it appears I'm in a... House? I must be dreaming...

Anyways, I walk around the house till I find a flashlight lying on the ground next to an X. I pick it up since it's pretty dark. I then try to turn on the flashlight, nothing. I then smack it and it faintly glows. I drop it in frustration and it turns on. I then proceed to pick it up and shine it around the room I'm in. As I shine it around, I see this small tattered yellow bunny plush, it kinda looks like the constellation I saw. I jump back at the sight. I throw a Pokéball at it and it just bounces of its head.

The plush gives me a dirty look. "Ouch! what was that for?!" It says.

"You can talk?" I ask it dumbly.

"Well I mean, if I couldn't than what did I just do? I'm not telepathic or anything... Oh wait, I am!" The plush replies in a smart aleck tone.

"I suppose you have a point..." I say.

"Exactly." It says.

"So... What exactly are you?" I ask.

"My name's Plushtrap, yours?" It replies like I should already know.

"Ash, but that doesn't exactly answer my question." I answer.

"Here, listen, I'll tell you if you play a little 'game' with me, 'kay?" The plush replies.

"What kind of game?" I ask it confusedly.

"Just listen." Plushtrap says. "So, the goal of the game is to first find all the Poké Balls I've hidden around this house and bring 'em to me. But theres a catch..." Plushtrap explains. "Well, actually two..." It says. "First; the Poké Balls won't be easy to get to, but you may use any Pokémon you have with you to get them." The tattered plush explains.

"So wait, are you a Pokémon?" I ask the mysterious plush.

"No. And as I was saying... Second; after getting them, you must find me. And this isn't a kiddie game of hide & seek, this is a real game, like the Hunger Games, but way different." Plushtrap says.

"What are the 'Hunger Games'?" I ask.

"Oh yeah I forgot... They don't have that in your universe..." Plushtrap says realizingly. "Ok, and finally, have control of this dream, not you. So I can make things as dangerous as I want them to be, got it?" Plushtrap explains.

"Got it." I respond. "Also, am I timed?" I ask.

"Yes, you have EXACTLY 40 minutes to find all the Poké Balls, then me." Plushtrap says.

"Ok." I reply. "And how many Poké Balls are there? And do they contain Pokémon?" I ask the plush.

"You'll have to find out yourself. And no. Also, if you bring the incorrect amount or run out of time, you loose." Plushtrap says.

"What happens if I loose? And how do I keep track of time?" I ask it.

"You die. And you don't keep track, I do." The yellow plush explains.

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