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I was On my way home when I heard someone shout my name. It was Anna.
She was panting really hard.

"I told you to wait up." She said gasping for  air in between.
"Sorry I was lost thought. What's up little sis?" I asked.

"I was hoping if I could have some friends over from school. We have a group project."

"Hmm....I don't see why not. Does mum know? "

"I told her this morning before we left. But you know mum she always forgets . "

"Yeah that's true. "

"So anything new miss president? "

"Apart from the boys being idiots and don't get me started on the King of all of them."

"Jack frost...the only boy you talk about. " Anna said giggling.

"He is not the only boy I talk about." I argued.

"Yes he is. Jack this Jack that... it's like your life revolves around him."

"That jerk face is always going against the rule that it annoys me." I said.

"Well I think you guys would make a cute couple."

"Oh please that spoilt brat and I can never be together. "

"Never say never big sis."

"Whatever let's just go home."

We both continued walking home talking about random things. We got home and saw someone talking to our mum. She looked so stressed out.
The person left angrily. My mum started to cry.

"Mum.who was that?" Anna asked rushing towards her.

"Nothing dear. Just the landlord asking for the rent." She said in between sobs.

"But we are going to pay it soon. " I said helping her up.

"I know dear but business has been slow. I just wish I had more work then I'll be able to pay it off."

"If only dad hadn't left us early we would not be in this mess." Anna said.

"I know but enough of all this sad talks. How was school? "

"Well I got an A on my test." Anna said.

"Oh that's great what about you Elsa?"

"Nothing happened. " I said coldly.

"Oh..okay girls should go up and change. "

We went up to our room. Anna and I  share  a room because of the limited rooms.

"I am going to get a job Anna." I told Anna.

"But mum won't allow you too."

"That's if mum finds out. You know we need the money. "

"I know Elsa but won't that make mum feel bad?"

"It will that's why it's a secret between the two of us."

"Okay but be careful Elsa."

"I will. Don't worry about me."


"So do you want my last chocolate? "

"Do you even have to ask. " she said and took it from me. I laughed at how she devoured. I sighed and stared out of my window. I was going to start searching for a job by tomorrow.

"Anna.  Elsa.  Lunch is ready. " mum called.

"Race you there. "Anna shouted.

"You're on."

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