chapter 23

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I was really surprised when Jack told me that he wanted to join the student council and to be honest I was impressed and a part of me wanted him to join but I push the thought back. I was waiting for Anna when I saw her with punz and merida.

"Hey you guys. What's up ? " I asked.

"Well, we're having a house warming party so I invited punz and merida to our new place." Anna said suddenly .

"I don't remember us planning to have one." I said.

"You don't but I do. I asked mum this morning before she went to work and she said I could have the party but only with a few friend. She also said I should tell you that she would be staying over at aunty Margret house because aunt Margret broke her leg and mum wants to check up on her." Anna said.

"Why am I getting all of this information now?"

"Because you always leave the house so early and you are always busy with school work."

"Fine. Let's go then." I said.

"I can't wait to see your new house Elsa." Punz said.

"It's not as amazing as you think." I said.

"No matter how it looks it sounds cool. Merida said.

We all got into punz's car since I didn't have one yet and drove to my house. I gave her the directions to the place.

"Wow. It so pretty. "Punz cooed

"It's just a flat. " I said in a flat tone.

"Come on Elsa. Be more lively ." Anna said to me.

We got in and punz went to check all the rooms. Merida followed her to make sure that she didn't hurt herself. Anna went to her room to change while I went to the kitchen to get some snacks.
I heard the doorbell ring and I went to open the door. I wasn't prepared for the sight in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I said .it came out more like a whisper.

"Are you surprise to see me here snowflake? " Jack said.

Hiccup, Flynn and kristoff were right behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I said in a more serious tone.

"Relax snowflake. Punz invited Flynn so I decided to tag along and so did the rest of us.

I am so going to kill punz.

He entered inside the house and looked around. He took a picture from the table.

"You look so cute Elsa." He said looking at the picture.

I blushed at his compliment. Merida and punz came back too and I pulled punz with me to the kitchen.

"Why did you invite them over?" I whispered yelled to her.

"I was going to hang out with Flynn today but Anna invited me over so I decided to invite him too but I didn't know he would bring his friends along.

"Great. Now I have to stay in the same room with Jack again."


"Never mind. Let's go back."

Anna was already down and she was talking to Kristoff while Hiccup and merida were arguing about something. While back was looking at his phone. I sat down beside him trying my best to hide how uncomfortable I felt

"Let's watch a movie." Anna announced.

"Action, romance or comedy. " punz asked.

"Action." Kristoff and Flynn said immediately.

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