(5)Weirdest Nighttime Ever!

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I was getting ready for bed, I pulled
down the covers still thinking of how I love Travis and when it happened. I climbed straight into bed and fell asleep

12:00 am
(This is where the punching starts)

I woke up, weird I normally don't wake up at 12:00 am! Then I saw a glowing girl float over to me, "hello darling I'm the ghost of Love's Past!" She was beautiful "OK but miss what are you doing here?" I said confused "oh I'm here to show you your love life! (With Travis)" "OK what do you want to show me?" The ghost took my hand and we went into this portal of memories with me and Travis and we stopped at where he tried to touch me on my butt and I just turned around and punched him in the gut,
We traveled into the memory, I was just walking inside so I followed myself in. My other self said "why can't I just tell him?" Then next thing I know I'm in my room! Buttttttttt I see my closet door, it's glowing! I open it. It's another ghost this time he said he was the ghost of love's present! He showed me a memory of me and Travis having a fun time laughing and playfully punching then I was back in my room I ran back onto my bed and guess what I see!! Another ghost! He had fire, a lot! He said he was the ghost of love's future he took me to my future, living alone without Travis he said "since you could not tell figure out how you felt, you lost him..... Sad isn't it?" I was back in my room again! These ghost can't take a hint so I went to sleep not knowing what was in my room with me but I did know that Travis loved me, and I love him because of the goofball he can be.......

Yes I do know about the whole no punches just kisses things it's just that I couldn't come up with a title so just think about my street and how abusive Katelyn was towards Travis! (For the past!)

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