(6)Curses and Dreams

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Katelyn's POV
That was the coolest night ever!
But the question is was it real or not?
I went downstairs and started to eat breakfast, once I finished I thought that I'd better go take a nap but once I touched the bed I saw a cursed vision

Travis was cheating on me,
A blonde girl with blue eyes they were kissing

"TRAVIS" I screamed and ran over to his house and knocked on the door
Travis's POV
I heard someone pounding on the door I hid the cake I was making for Katelyn and shoved it into my fridge.
"Hi babyyyyyyy what are you doing here?" I asked "I had a cursed vision!" She yelled like I knew what a cursed vision was..... "Hahahahahahahaha so what's a cursed vision?" She rolled her eyes and punched my stomach "DO YOU EVEN LISTEN!?" She yelled punching me again "A Cursed vision is a vision that's not real but is meant to make you believe it!" I looked at her confused "what was your vision about?" "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!" She yelled "Come in! I have something for you..." "wait, so there's not a blonde girl here your making out with?" She whispered and walked in "No." I said confused and walked to the living room. Katelyn sat down on the couch I sat down next to her, "do you want to watch Mineflix?" Katelyn said scooting closer to me "nah I'd rather watch a movie that's on Mineflix instead of watching Mineflix!" I said jokingly she took the remote and put it on Baking With Kawaii~Chan "I can't believe Kawaii~Chan has her own show!" She said a tiny bit annoyed "ya! And I thought if she ever did have one it would be on shipping cause she seems to LOVE to do that with Aarmau!" "YA! I know!"
Katelyn picked up her phone, "oh speak of the devil, it's Kawaii~Chan!" I started laughing as she started to talk
Katelyn's POV
"Hi!" I said cheerfully "hi! Kawaii~Chan wanted to tell Katelyn~Sama that theirs a dance in two days! A Valentine's Day dance!" (I know a little late!) "that's so cool!" I said excited "but where?!" "The plaza oh and bye!" And with that we hung up
"What's going on?" Travis asked
"There's a dance and will you go with me?" I asked "I don't know.." "Pleassssssse?" I whined kissing him "ok! I'll go!" Travis yelled

Happy day! :):

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