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Katelyn's POV
It was two days after the incident with Travis's family.
All of us were surrounding each other. Barney giving me glares while Michael tried his best to ignore me. "Hey Auntie Katey can you take Hailey and I out to play?" Angel asked, tugging on my shorts. "If your dad let's me..." I smiled. "Daddy--" "I DECLARE WAR ON YOU!" Barney's sudden outburst mind boggled us. "Um what do you mean?" I asked him. "I mean, we will fight. THIS WHOLE SNOW GLOBE WILL FIGHT!!!" He screamed. "Me and Angel will help you guys since you're nicer." Hailey smiled, walking behind Travis.
- - -
"Lexi, you're going to fight anyone who tried to break in this apartment! Angel, you're going to heal the wounded. Hailey, you're going to... Help with bandaging and nursing people back to health. Lillie, you're going to board up this whole apartment." I explained. "What, she needs a new job!" Lexi complained. "Why?" I asked. "Hao papa!" (Iron board!) Lexi giggled, the whole room was boarded up in iron. "OK... Lillie you're on look-out, anyone who tries to sneak in, you tell Lexi!" I re-stated.
Inside the dome everyone was fighting, blood, gore, everywhere. Someone came towards me, holding a sword. The handle was gold and the blade was sharp. I easily slid past the blade and sliced the person in half. Oh my Irene, I am a murder! I panicked for a minute knowing that I would have wash myself off with some holy water.
Lexi's POV
A man can rushing up the stairs, eagerly wanting to kill. You could see it in his eyes. The blood, the thirst to hear the screams from the poor people. His eyes suddenly locked at me, he swung his weapon towards me. "Hou!" (Slash!) I yelled, the man's head fell off onto the ground and rolled down the stairs. "Over here!" Lillie screamed as she grabbed a katana and attempted to protect the spot I had recently tried to. "Kaulu!" (Boulder!) I screamed, the large rock stumbled down the side of the apartment crushing the people climbing up. I once again ran to my normal spot as Lillie ran back to hers. A woman came up, she was holding a baby, her hair was black and her eyes were brown. She came up with mom. I let them past and continued as a girl with a staff came up. "Wai Nanon!". (Water attack!) She screamed. Oh no... I was dealing with another witch. I dodged the attack, she was weak! "Make iho!" (Dead down!) I yelled. Water ran down her face as she was getting buried alive.
Angel's POV
"Curare!" (Heal) I whispered as I rotated my hands around the women. Hailey was gently wrapping the baby. It was so sad to see all of the toddlers and kids running in here and to the kitchen to get away from dad or Uncle Red.
It's weird, I was listening to Lexi as I healed people, her magic was unlike mine. She had to say different words for her attacks to work. "Hey... Hailey, do you know why Lexi and I's magic is different?" I asked Hailey. "Of course! Lexi's spells have to be said in Hawaiian, yours are in Latin." Hailey explain. "Oh... Cool!" I giggled. A loud noise filled the room. A man got in, I stopped healing the girl and started attacking. "Mors Books!" (Death music) the man held his ears then fell to the ground dead. I continued healing the girl. I finally finished and a boy walked in. "Hey, I can fix that." He smiled at me and sat towards me. "Cicatrice sanaret!" (Scar heal!) The scars slowly started to fade. "Thank you..." The boy said and kissed me on the cheek. He then walked over to the rest of the people.
Travis's POV
"Your going to get into their work area?"
"Yes... They are weaklings..."
"Don't underestimate their power, even our most powerful people have died from just Travis's daughter."
"But not the most powerful..."
How dare they underestimate us!
Word count: 683

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