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I wanna fall asleep until I die.
I wanna sleep until there's no light.
I can't tell what the difference between day and night is anymore.
There's no point in doing anything.
Just keep smiling.
Keep faking.
Because darling, it's the only thing you'll know how to do anymore.
Paste that smile on your lips.
Paint those lines on your wrists.
Shut the world out.
Shut out all of the light.
Welcome the darkness.
The darkness is your only friend anymore.
Harden your heart.
Go cold.
There's no point in trying anymore.
Listen to these songs.
'Maybe you'd be better off dead'.

But really that's not it.
All of these people are here.
They're your light.
Your stars.
Your hope.
Your love.
Your friends.
Your protectors.
Your happiness.
Your shoulder.
Your shield.
Your smile.
They'll help you get through anything.
They've been there since day one.
And forever they will be.

Eh...bad poem...I've written better ones in my poem book....

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