Winter wonderland Harry

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Harry and I were outside, playing in the snow like children. Harry acted like an oversized child, so it wasn’t weird behavior for him. It had snowed all morning and Harry couldn’t contain himself anymore and he bundled up the both of us, dragging me outside with him. Harry was laying down in the snow right now beside me, and we were making snow angels. My legs were starting to get cold, considering I was only wearing some skinny jeans over them and I hopped up quickly and helped Harry up to.

"My hands hurt." He said, pouting his bottom lip out.

"You should have worn gloves!" I said, giggling.

"Yeah well it seems that you remembered to." He grumbled.

I giggled and took his hands in mine placing kisses all over them.

"That’s better." He said, smiling.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the sight of that breath-taking smile. Even after 1 year of being together, he still had this effect on me and it was incredible.

Out of nowhere he pulled a snowball out of his pocket and crumbled it over my head.

"Harry Edward Styles!" I said, laughing.

He stood there, in stitches and I reached down and grabbed some snow throwing it at him. He screamed and ran away to the other side of our house. I made a couple snow balls and quietly walked around to the back of the house, hoping to find him. I was about to turn the corner when somebody grabbed my from behind, spinning me around. I gasped, dropping the snowballs and it was Harry, standing there laughing hysterically.

"Harry you ass! You scared the shit out of me." I said, laughing.

"You should’ve seen your face." He said, chuckling.

"I thought you were the creepy mailman!" I said, giggling.

Harry laughed and grabbed my hands, pulling me closer to him.

"I’m sorry." He said, starting to laugh again.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked, chuckling.

"No." I grumbled, the corners of my mouth twitching up into a smile.

"Well maybe this will help." He said, smirking and pressing his lips to mine.

Despite the cold weather, Harry lips were soft and warm, making my heart flutter. Harry put both of his hands on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. His warm tongue lightly grazed mine and I put my hands on his chest, clutching at his jacket lightly. Harry pulled away from the kiss and smirked.

"Now am I forgiven?" He asked.

"I suppose so." I teased.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Do you wanna go inside now?" He asked, resting his forehead on mine.

I nodded my head and he pecked me on the lips real quick before grabbing my hand and walking with me back inside.

"My hands hurt." He said, frowning.

"I’ll make us some hot chocolate and your hands will feel better." I said, giggling.

"Throw all of your wet clothes down into the basement and I’ll wash them later. I don’t want you leaving wet marks all over the carpet." I said.

"And what if I do?" He asked.

"Don’t be difficult Harold." I said, giggling, making him laugh.

He stripped down to his boxers and went upstairs into our room. I took off all of my wet clothes and through them down into the basement before going upstairs. I quickly got dressed while Harry was in the bathroom, not wanting him to see me in my bra and panties. He had never seen me in my undergarments before and I definitely didn’t want him to now. I’ve always been quite insecure. Harry came out of the bathroom and winked at me, walking over to his dresser and putting on some clothes. I went down stairs and filled the kettle with water, setting it on the eye of the stove. I felt Harry wrap his arms around me and I jumped, surprised.

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