Chapitre Cinq

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School just ended and I was on my way to visit him again.

All the memories that circulated my mind yesterday was all in the back of my mind, where it belonged.

All thanks to my teacher in Literature, Mr. Flintberg, for giving us pop quiz which was to write a 10 chapter book in just 30 minutes. I repeat, 30 minutes!!! Like, is he out of his mind??

And that's how I ended up with a cup of black coffee and my mind thinking about nothing in particular.

After a couple of minutes, the hospital came into view. I turned off the engine of the car and climbed off, ready to go meet him again.

As I was walking through the corridors, I looked up and saw Macey. "Hey." I said with a small smile.

"Oh, hey Hannah." She smiled in return.

"So, how is he? Is visiting hours still on?" I asked while playing with the hem of my shirt.

It's a mannerism I got since I was younger whenever I was nervous. I remember when Peter was the one who pointed it out to me that I always did that when I was nervous, he was precisely correct.


*9 years ago*

"Hey Hannah."

I looked up through my lashes and immediately recognized him from his hazelnut brown hair and blue-grey eyes.

"You're doing it again." He stated like the one he was referring to was obvious.

"Doing what?" I curiously asked, still fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.

He looked down and I immediately let go of my shirt and blushed. Hard.

"You do know that you always do that when you're nervous, right?"

I gave him a quizzical look.

"The playing with the end of your shirt thing. You don't have to be nervous. I'm here. I'll keep you safe." He reassured me and hugged me tight.

I relaxed from the hug and wrapped my arms around him as well. "Thank you for being here, Peter. It really means a lot."


Stop thinking about him, Hannah! I thought we've gone through with this. I rubbed my temples.

A hand waving brought me out of my thoughts. "Wh-what?" I muttered.

She laughed. "As I was saying, he's getting better. And yes, you can still visit him. See you next time!" She ended with a wave.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

I arrived his room and pushed open the door. He was still sleeping. I silently went and sat down in the chair near him.

He looked so peaceful and adorable that I didn't want to wake him up. His short breaths being heard from the quiet room, his hair all messy, and his noise scrunching up every now and then told me he was about to wake up.

Several minutes later, he slowly woke up. Those blue-grey eyes that I've grown to love in display at last. He looked at his surroundings then finally stopped his gaze on me. It suddenly became hot and I was getting nervous again.

"Hey... You're fidgeting with the hem of your shirt." I didn't even notice I was doing that again. Damn. "You're nervous." He stated. He remembered and my heart warmed up on that.

"You remembered." I stated in slight disbelief.

He frowned. "Of course, I did. Why would I forget?"

"I just... didn't realize you would actually remember because—because of all the things that happened between us." I looked down.

"Well, I still remember every single thing about you and us because those are one of the memories I will cherish forever." He gave me that goofy smile similar to the one he gave me when we were 7 years old.

I smiled but there was sadness laced with it. "Those days were wonderful yet also horrid." I softly said.

He was in deep thought. His eyebrows furrowed and he was biting the inside of his mouth like he wanted to say something.

I heard a sigh and I guess he decided against it.

It was getting uncomfortable and the silence was killing me so I had to think fast. Think, Hannah, think.

"I'm back. So... do you want to continue on with the story of... us?" I asked unsurely.

He smiled and nodded.

"Okay." Then I drifted off to the story once again.


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