Chapitre Six

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*8 years ago*

"Catch me... if you can!!!" I screamed to him.

I was slowing down and out of breath. I rested my hands in my knees and took a deep inhale then exhaled.

When I looked back to see if he still wasn't there, Peter came in sight and before I knew it, jumped on my back which resulted to us sprawled on the floor with him on top of me.

We were laughing our heads off then something strange happened.

We just stared at each other. His stare was so intense it gave goosebumps all over my skin. Like, what was so fascinating about me? Or maybe there was something on my face? Oh God, that would have been embarrassing.

I was brought out of my trance when his hand came up to touch my cheek. MY CHEEK? OH MY GOSH. OH MY, DO I EVEN LOOK OKAY? OH—

"You've got mud on your face." I blushed. I felt so humiliated and just tried to play it cool.

I scowled. "Get off me! You're crushing me. And mud is actually really good for the skin." After that being said, I ran as fast as I could going home and out of this embarrassing state I was constantly trapped in.

While taking a warm shower to ease my tensed muscles, I just kept on thinking about what happened earlier. Was he going to kiss me? Ha, I doubt that. But, there was something in his eyes that I never saw before. Ugh!! This is frustrating me.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I picked a set of clothes and made my face look presentable.

Wait, why am I even trying so hard? Who was I even going to impress?

Peter. My mind said.

Why the hell would I want to impress him? It's not like I like him more than a friend, right?

You do. You like him so so much!!

You're annoying.

Well, I am you.

Damn. You're right. Well just, shut up!

Then stop talking to yourself. I crossed my arms and huffed.

"Are you okay? You've got that frustrated and thinking face on." Peter went inside my room and sat on my bed beside me.

He's basically another son to my parents and this is like his second home so he goes in whenever he wants to. If ever you were wondering why he's here...

"I'm—I'm fine." I looked up. "Just thinking."


"Stuff. School. You. Me. Everything."

"What about me... and you?" He urged more.

"Just us." I forced out with frustration because I didn't really want to talk to him about us or whatever we are now for that matter. "Can we talk about something else? What about— How are you and Alyssa? I emphasized her name without realizing it.

"We're good. She's great." He nonchalantly said like it didn't matter at all.

She's great. She's great my arse. She's like the daughter of satan or something but I wouldn't tell him that. He seems happy with her and I should just be happy for him even though I can make him happier than she does.

"What do you even see in her? She's like the devil's spawn." I muttered lowly the last part.

"She's pretty." He stated like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

So I'm not pretty? There's like a ton of girls who are pretty and he chose that. I looked at my outfit and at myself. And truth is, I looked like a wreck right now. Who would like a girl like me? Surely not my best friend. I frowned.

He smirked. "Are you jealous, Hannah? It's okay. I understand you like me but don't make it that obvious." He bumped his shoulders to mine making me look at him.

I scoffed. "Like I would be." If only he knew.

"Don't need to deny it, babe." He winked.

"Oh my gosh! The Peter Wilson just winked at me! Oh my oh my! Ah!" I sarcastically joked with fake enthusiasm. "Cocky as ever."

"You know it." He winked yet again. Is there like something wrong with his eye or something. It's kind of creeping me out a little.

I hopped out of my bed and held a hand out for him to take. "Let's go to the park before it gets dark outside." I smiled.

He took my hand and entwined them together.

Holy Macaroons! He's holding my hand. We're holding hands!! How? What? WHY? All these thoughts were confusing my head and I didn't know what to do to calm myself down.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" He took both my shoulders and made me face him. Concern in his voice.

I nodded. "Hmm... just zoned out.

"Well, let's get going. We wouldn't want to forget the ice cream I owe you as well." He gave me one of his dazzling smiles that just made me smile widely in return every time.


Ring! Ring! Ringggg!

That drifted me back to reality and made me abruptly stop my story.

I checked my phone then the time. I mentally cursed myself for not keeping in track.

"I gotta go. I have to go... visit someone. Yeah. I'll try to come by later!" I hurriedly said but I felt like my eyes were portraying what I was feeling— scared.

I just hope he didn't notice it. 


Hmm, wonder what she's hiding.

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