Chapitre Neuf

55 15 4

Revised some parts xx



Looking at my watch, it was already 9pm. I had to go now before the nurse goes here again to shoo me away. I stood up and bid a goodbye to him and went home.

It was a very cold night like all the time but this night felt like there was a freezer built outside. I shivered and once I was in my car, turned up the heater on max.

As much as I love fresh air, it was so damn cold I couldn't just risk my health and later on become sick because of my stupidity.

Looking out my window, I appreciated the environment. Trees were everywhere. It was a beautiful scenery to watch on. Birds were everywhere, but sadly there weren't loads of them. I'm an environmentalist and love enjoying sights. Don't judge.

As I was looking at the fascinating flowers that were making a straight path along the side of the road, something caught my eye. A glimpse of a shadow walking but once I was going near, I could figure out that it was a boy. Maybe around my age, I wasn't entirely sure yet.

I didn't want to be rude like all the other cars that just passed by him. So, I pulled over in front of him and rolled down my window.

"Hey. Where are you off to?" I said nicely.

"To California." The boy replied, hiding his face.

"Well, would you like a ride? I'm going there as well." I gave a smile to reassure him that I wouldn't do any harm to him.

He raised his head up. I gasped. He had bruises all over his face. I frowned.

"Are you—Are you okay?" I said dumbly. "Shit." I muttered. "Of course you aren't. Come on, just go in. I bet you're cold and badly hurt. I'm not a serial killer or anything." I went out to him.

He shook his head. "That is so nice of you, but I'll be fine."

"You aren't a serial killer or anything of that sort, right? Because I have a gun." I said seriously.

He looked at me wide eyed and scared. "Uh no."

"Oh, okay. Well, come on now. My car is waiting." I persuaded.

He sighed and followed me to the passenger seat.

Once I started driving again, it was silent. I don't know if it was comfortable but surprisingly it wasn't uncomfortable as well. That's odd. I was with stranger for crying out loud! Wait, I think he's still scared because I just said I had a gun, which is totally false, by the way. Well, you'll never know when saying that would be helpful.

"By the way, I'm Hannah. Hannah Jensen." I laughed to ease the tension. It didn't work but at least I tried, right?

"Uh, I'm—I'm Aiden. Aiden Smith." He unsurely replied.

"Oh and I don't really own a gun at all. I'm hardly harmful." I reassured him with a smile. I looked over at him and saw his shoulders relaxed and he sighed in relief.

I looked back at the road and tried to make a conversation. "So... what are you doing all alone in the middle of nowhere?" I saw him tense.

"I mean, it was just unusual and you've got bruises and stuff, so I was kinda worried because you might have been freezing there and if I didn't pull over and help you out you could have froze to death and I'm already blabbering and talking too fast right now and I'm so so sorry. But, if you don't want to answer that, it's fine by me." I finished off with a sheepish smile.

He laughed but I knew it was kinda forced out but I still relaxed a little bit. "It's fine. It's just... I—I don't want to talk about it really. Maybe later." He explained. "You're cute when you talk fast." He said barely audible.

I stared at him, mouth agape like a fish in need of water. I saw him, eyes wide and he cursed under his breath. I guess he wasn't planning on saying that out loud.

"I—I mean... uh..." He stuttered out not finding the right words to say. I blushed.

I laughed. "It's fine." I smiled at him.

"So, you can just drop me off at any bus stop you'll be passing by." He told me.

I nodded but I had to help him first. "Sure. After we go to my place so I can clean your cuts." He was about to interject but I cut him off. "No arguing."

He nodded.

Once we were at my home, he hesitated on coming in but after so many attempts, he followed. We are currently in the kitchen right now, with me cleaning his cuts and him holding a bag of peas on his bruised cheek.

He chatted and I learned a lot about him. He's currently in his last year in college as well. Favorite color is blue, loves to write, play soccer and eating. He had a little sister named Mandy and his dad left him when he was 3. Apparently, he got beaten up by jocks in his school because they were harassing a girl so he came up and become the knight in shining armor as what he calls himself. I snorted.

It was already midnight so I had to go to sleep because there were still school tomorrow. Before we said our farewells, we exchanged numbers so we could maybe hang out sometime and I gladly gave it.

"Well, we both still have classes tomorrow so I better go. It was nice meeting you, Hannah." He gave me a genuine smile and scratched the back of his head.

"Likewise. See you soon!" I smiled and waved.

We didn't hug because that would have been weird. We just met today and barely know each other. He might be a secret agent and I wouldn't know at all.

"See ya!" He gave me a genuine smile and waved. He opened the door and left.

I slept surprisingly peaceful. He was in my thoughts the whole night. He was all I could think of. His boyish adorable smile, his brown hair that were quite messy but it still managed to look hot on him, and his blue eyes that adorned his beautifully sculpted face. His charming personality made it also hard for me to resist him. Damn. What is happening to me? I hope I would meet him again.


oh nose, new guy. What do you think about him? Comment xx

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