Chapitre Sept

52 15 1


Going out of the office felt like I was carrying a huge rock. I felt nauseous all over.

There was still an hour till visiting hours would be over. Maybe I could just nap for a few then meet him? Yeah, that seemed good.

I parked my car in front of the hospital then took a nap after setting an alarm. I always sleep like its hibernation time.

The sound of the alarm woke me up. I've still got 40 minutes to spare. Climbing out of the car while grabbing my bag before ascending the steps towards him.

"Hey, Peter!" I said too cheerfully for that matter. I wasn't really that happy. I just didn't want him to get suspicious of my sick state earlier.

It was silent and I didn't know why. My head roamed around then it fell upon her. They were so close from each other. Don't tell me they were... they were! They were making out. Oh God. And I just ruined it. Well, I didn't mind that but ew. I need air.

I was about to go out when a voice spoke. "Hannah."

I turned around and my assumptions were right. It was him who called out my name. And oh how his voice sounded so perfect saying my name, gave me tingles just like before.

"I'm—I'm just gonna go... Sorry for interru—" I trailed off awkwardly.

"No. No, it's fine. You weren't interrupting anything." He reassured me with an amused grin on his face.

At the corner of my eye, I could sense Macey burning holes at the side of my head like what she always did before. It was making me go uneasy and I just kept shifting my weight to the left and right.

Minutes have gone by, I still wonder. Is she still staring at me like she wants to kill me right there and then? This is like a scene of a predator looking intensely on his prey like it's going to attack any minute now and guess who's going to die? Me. I mean, I didn't want to die yet. I'm still too young and I even forget to feed my dog. Oh no, He might die with me as we—.

A door shutting broke me out of my thoughts and that's when I realize that Macey already left and I'm just standing there like a deer caught on headlights.

"I'm back. Just finished something important." I gave a sheepish look.

"It's alright, love. Where were you off to?" I shifted back and forth because I wasn't really ready to tell him yet. Think of a way to get out of this, Hannah. Come on, think.

"Just an office." I vaguely said. "Now, lets continue the story."

"Okay." He said defeated that I didn't give much information about my whereabouts. "Why do you visit me? I always ask you this but you never answer. Will you ever even tell me?" He ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Soon." I said softly. "When the time's ready. Now, let's start."


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