Ch7:Your Parents!

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*Narrator's point of view*

The car carring you, Faith, Gwen, and Vendetta came to a hault as it reach a parking lot of the airport. You were a bit confused on to why you all had to take a plane. but other than that you were excited to say the least. Once inside Gwen went to pay for the tickets only to be surprised that Micheal had already paid for her. Once Gwen got the tickets you all waited for the lady in the speaker to announce the flight to los angels. Vendetta sat you on his lap, Faith sat still thinking she'd get to see Vangel again, and Gwen sat there lifeless with her glasses on her face. You never saw Gwen wear glasses before so it kinda shocked you seeing her with glasses on.

"Mister Vendetta?"You looked up at Vendetta.


"Why does mama Gwen have glasses?"you asked.

"Well....mama Gwen has special eyes that turn a different color when someone hurts those close to her."Vendetta said flatly.

You looked at the red haired woman before you, it got you thinking.

"Is Mama Gwen okay she hasn't said a word since we got inside?"

"(Y/N) Moms just....thinking about what she's gonna say to my uncle I'm sure the cat will stop her if things get too rough!"

Gwen sat in silence, not even a single movement.

"All passengers going to Los Angeles please head to terminal 413 I repeat all passenger going to Los Angeles please head to terminal 413 thank you!"the announcer said.

"We better go!"was all Gwen said as she got up Faith and Vendetta following with you in his arms.

*On the plane*

Gwen found four seats just for them, Gwen sat by the window Faith sat next to her, you sat next to Faith and Vendetta next to you. The whole time Faith check on her games one in particular was Steven Universe:Attack of the Light. you lightly patted on Vendetta's lap making sure he didn't fall asleep the whole ride there. and Gwen remained silent. Faith was used to Gwen being silent when it came to her uncle, you thought it was strange seeing her silent. she normally makes you laugh by giving you a funny face while talking in one of her funny or good impersonation.

"Uh...mama Gwen?"She looked over at you.

"Can you make an impersonation of Daddy Vendetta?"Vendetta blushed when he heard you say 'Daddy Vendetta'

Gwen smiled and nodded.

"Oh look at me I'm so scared of Gwendolyn's older sister that I pee myself to sleep!!"Gwen said making her voice sound just like Vendetta's.

Vendetta took that as an insult but then grinned and tried making an impersonation of her.

"Oh yeah well I'm Gwendolyn I only want people to call me Gwen so they won't annoy me as much!!"Vendetta tried making his voice high pitched which resulted in Faith and Gwen snickering.

You smiled as you saw how happy Gwen looked.

"Attention passengers fasten your seat belts because my co pilot dared me to do a barrel roll!!!"Pilot announced on the speak as Vendetta sighed.

Normally when Pilot visited Mahogany's estate Vendetta would dare him to jump off the roof which resulted in pilot getting stuck in a tree.

"I did not dare you to do it so stop!"his co-pilot could be heard.

"Oh boii!!"Gwen said acting like any person from the country would.

Faith snickered as she helped you with your seat-belt. Vendetta hooked up his and so did Gwen. After everyone put their seat-belts on the plane started to in a loop more than twice. Afterwards the plane reached the LAX airport where an angered Mahogany and a calm Micheal were waited patiently.

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